Editing Rich Content in the Requirements Specification Editor

You can edit the rich content of requirements and comments, and edit the titles of chapters, requirements, and comments directly in the Requirements Specification Editor. Depending on which editor your Administrator has configured for use, you can edit rich content using either the built-in HTML editor or Microsoft Word. You must use the built-in HTML editor on mobile devices. You edit the titles of chapters, requirements, and comments using a simplified version of the HTML editor regardless of which editor your Administrator has configured to edit the rich content of requirements and comments. You must use CKEditor for Rich text editing and formatting.

Edit the titles of requirements and comments in their Properties pages.

Important: If you have configured Internet Explorer to never update your cached files, when you edit then save rich content you may see a Java error message even though the rich content has been saved correctly. Microsoft does not recommend configuring Internet Explorer to never update your cached files because it can cause performance problems.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: To use Microsoft Word as your rich content editor, your Business Administrator must have configured it as the default editor and you must have Microsoft Word and the Collaboration for Microsoft Client installed on your local computer.

Edit Rich Content Using the Built-in HTML Editor

If your Administrator has configured the built-in HTML Editor as the default editor, you use it to create and edit all rich content for requirements and comments.

  1. Click in the rich content of a requirement or comment.
    The HTML editor controls appear.
  2. Edit and format the rich content using the HTML editor controls:

    Control Description
    Bold Makes the selected text bold.
    Italic Makes the selected text italic.
    Strikethrough Strikes through the selected text.
    Link Creates a hyperlink from the selected text or at the cursor. You can specify the display text, protocol, and an URL when creating the hyperlink. The target is automatically set to open the link in a new window (_blank).
    Unlink Removes a hyperlink from the selected text.
    Formatting Styles Allows you to select a preformatted style to the selected text.
    Paragraph Format Allows you to assign a paragraph format to the selected text.
    Text Color Allows you to choose the color of selected text.
    Background Color Allows you to choose the background color of the selected text.
    Select All Selects all of the text in the requirement or comment.
    Cut Cuts the selected text.
    Copy Copies the selected text.
    Undo Undoes the last action.
    Redo Redoes the undone action.
    Insert/Remove Numbered List Inserts a numbered list at the cursor or turns the selected text into a numbered list.
    Insert/Remove Bulleted List Inserts a bulleted list at the cursor, or turns the selected text into a bulleted list.
    Increase Indent Increases the indent of the text.
    Decrease Indent Decreases the indent of the text.
    Align Left Aligns your text to the left
    Center Aligns your text to the center.
    Align Right Aligns your text to the right.
    Insert Special Character Inserts a special character.
    Math Inserts mathematical equations.
    Table Inserts a table at the cursor based on your specifications.
    Image Allows you to select an image to insert at the cursor.
    Manage Rich Content Object Allows you to add, edit the properties of, upload, or download rich content objects, such as spreadsheets and documents. See Edit Rich Content Objects Using the Built-in HTML Editor.

  3. Click outside of the requirement or comment.

The rich content is automatically saved and is updated in the Requirements Specification Editor.

Edit Rich Content Objects Using the Built-in HTML Editor

If your Administrator has configured the built-in HTML Editor as the default editor, you use it to create and edit all rich content objects for requirements and comments.

  1. Click in the rich content field of a requirement or comment.
    The HTML editor controls appear.
  2. To insert a new rich content object into the rich content of a requirement or comment, do the following:
    1. Place your cursor at the location in the rich content where you want to insert the rich content object.
    2. Click Manage Rich Content Object .
    3. Click Choose File.
    4. Navigate to the rich content object, select it, then click Open.
    5. Click Create Rich Content Object.
    The rich content object is inserted in the rich content at the cursor.
  3. To edit the caption, display size, or alignment of the rich content object, do the following:
    1. Right-click the rich content object.
    2. Select Properties.
    3. Click Caption and Size.
    4. In the RCO Caption field, type a new caption for the rich content object.
    5. In the Width or Height field, type a new value.

      If the aspect ratio is locked, both values change together. If the aspect ratio is not locked, the values change independently of each other.

    6. In the Alignment area, select the value for how you want the rich content object to be aligned in the rich content field.
    7. Click OK.
    The rich content object's properties are updated.
    Note: The rich content object's caption is not the same as its file name. You cannot change the rich content object's file name through its Properties. You can only change the file name by uploading a renamed file as the rich content object.
  4. To upload a new file to the rich content object, do the following:
    1. Right-click the rich content object.
    2. From the Actions menu, select Upload .
    3. Drag and drop the new file onto the drop zone of the Upload tab.
    4. Click OK.
    The newly-uploaded file is now the rich content object.
  5. To upload the rich content object to your local computer, do the following:
    1. Right-click the rich content object.
    2. From the Actions menu, select Upload .
    3. Drag and drop the new file onto the drop zone of the Upload tab.
    4. Click OK.
    The rich content file is uploaded to your local computer through your web browser.
  6. To copy or move rich content object to a different location within the rich content, right-click the rich content object, then do one or more of the following:
    1. To cut the rich content object from its current location, select Cut .
    2. To copy the rich content object, select Copy .
    3. To paste the cut or copied rich content object into a new current location, select Paste .
    The rich content object's location is updated in the rich content field.
    Note: The Cut, Copy, and Paste actions cannot be used to move rich content from one rich content object to another. They can only be used to move a rich content object within the currently-selected rich content field. Rich content objects cannot be cut or copied from one requirement then pasted into another requirement.

Edit Rich Content Using Microsoft Word

If your Administrator has configured Microsoft Word as the default rich content editor, you use it to create and edit all rich content for requirements and comments. In addition to the text editing capabilities, Microsoft Word allows you to edit additional types of content such as math equations, drawing objects, and embedded objects.

Before you begin: You must have already opened a Microsoft Word document so that the process is running before you attempt to use the Edit in Word capability. This will ensure that the web browser is not prevented from opening the rich content in Microsoft Word because of your computer's security settings.
  1. Click in the rich content of a requirement or comment.
    The rich content opens in a Microsoft Word document.
  2. Use the available formatting and content options in Microsoft Word to create and edit the rich content.
  3. When you have finished editing the rich content, close the Microsoft Word document.

The rich content is automatically saved and is updated in the Requirements Specification Editor.

Editing Object Titles

You can edit the titles of chapters, requirements, and comments using a simplified version of the HTML editor regardless of which editor your Business Administrator has configured to edit the rich content of requirements and comments.

  1. Click in the title of a chapter, requirement, or comment.
    The HTML editor controls appear.
  2. Edit chapter, requirement, or comment title using the simplified HTML editor controls:

    Control Description
    Select All Selects all of the text in the chapter title.
    Cut Cuts the selected text.
    Copy Copies the selected text.
    Paste Pastes the copied text.
    Undo Undoes the last action.
    Redo Redoes the undone action.

  3. Click outside of the chapter, requirement, or comment title.

The chapter, requirement, or comment title is automatically saved and is updated in the Requirements Specification Editor.