Specification Properties Page

The specification Properties page displays the various attributes of a specification on the Attributes tab.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, or Leader

To access this page:

  1. From the specifications list, select the specification name. See Requirement Specifications Page.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Properties > Attributes.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
NameThe name of the specification. This can be an autoname.
TypeThe type of item.
RevisionThe current revision of the specification.
TitleThe short title of the specification.
DescriptionThe detailed description of the specification.
Active Engineering ChangeIndicates whether an engineering change exists for the specification.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the specification.
OwnerThe person who owns the specification.
OriginatorThe person who created the specification.
OriginatedThe date on which the specification was created.
SynopsisThe brief summary of the specification.
NotesAny notes that may help others reviewing this specification.
ObjectiveThe objective of the specification.
PolicyThe policy governing this specification.
VaultThe location where the specification is stored in the database.
Project FolderThe project folder to which this specification belongs.
Propagate AccessSelected means access to all child objects of the requirement specification through ownership inheritance is enabled. Cleared means access to the child objects of the requirement specification through ownership inheritance is disabled.
Note: Ownership access is available only if the parent object has enabled propagation and the child object has enabled inheritance.
Inherit AccessSelected means that access to the requirement specification through ownership inheritance from the parent object is enabled. Cleared means access to the requirement specification through ownership inheritance from the parent object is disabled.
Note: Ownership access is available only if the parent object has enabled propagation and the child object has enabled inheritance.
OrganizationThe company associated with the requirement specification.
Collaborative SpaceThe collaborative space in which the requirement specification exists.
Lock StateIndicates whether the specification is locked.
Lifecycle graphIndicates the current lifecycle state of the specification.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Edit Details Enables editing of the specification's properties.Editing Specification Properties
Subscribe Allows you to select the events for which you would like to be notified for the selected specification.Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Subscriptions
Promote Promotes the specification to its next lifecycle state, which is shown in the lifecycle graph at the bottom of the page.Requirement Specification Lifecycle
Demote Demotes the specification to its previous lifecycle state, which is shown in the lifecycle graph at the bottom of the page.Requirement Specification Lifecycle
Lock Locks the specification from editing by other users.-
Unlock Unlocks the specification for editing by other users.-