Specification Structure History

You can view the history of objects added to and removed from the specification structure. The view provides all connect and disconnect action history with "From" and "To" side information, along with user and time stamp information. The history does not include object relocation actions within the specification structure.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, or Leader

To access this page:

  1. Open the specification. See Specification Detail Page.
  2. From the toolbar, select Actions > Spec Structure History.

This topic describes:

See Also
Inserting a New Requirement
Inserting a New Chapter
Inserting a New Comment
Comparing Specification Structures and Objects


Column Name Description


The name of the object on the "From" side of the specification structure action. Click the name to view the object's properties.


The action performed between the "From" and "To" objects in the specification structure. Values can be connect or disconnect.

To Object

The object on the "To" side of the specification structure action. Click the name to view the object's properties. Objects on the "To" side of the transaction are hyperlinked only if they are currently in the specification structure.


The user that performed the specification structure action.


The date on which the specification structure action occurred.