Creates a new chapter and links it to the
specification. |
Creates a new comment and links it to the
specification. |
Creates a new requirement and links it to the
specification. |
Creates a new sub requirement and links it to
the requirement. |
Links an existing chapter to the
specification. |
Links an existing comment to the
specification. |
Links an existing requirement to the
specification. |
Links an existing sub requirement to the
requirement. |
Adds a model configuration context to
the selected items. |
Removes the model's configuration context from
the selected items. Select OK to confirm.
Structure Compare
Compares objects from the same specification
or folder to those in the same or another specification or
folder. |
Import Existing
Creates a requirement specification by
importing existing structure (chapters, comments, requirements,
and parameters) from another specification. |
Spec Structure History
Opens the history of objects added to and
removed from the specification structure in a new browser
window. |
Allows you to select the events for which you
would like to be notified for the selected requirements.
Adds the selected objects to an existing
change request. |
Creates a new change request and adds the
selected objects to it. |
Adds the selected objects to an existing
change order. |
Creates a new change order and adds the
selected objects to it. |
Adds the selected objects to an existing
change order. |
Creates a new change order and adds the
selected objects to it. |
Releases all selected objects. Selected
objects must be in a state prior to "Released" and cannot be
connected to an incomplete change action. The Create
Change Order page opens where you can create a
change order to govern the mass change. You must use the "Fast
track Change" policy. |
Makes all selected objects obsolete. Selected
objects must be in the "Released" state and cannot be connected
to an incomplete change action. The Create Change
Order page opens where you can create a change
order to govern the mass change. You must use the "Fast track
Change" policy. |
Creates a new revision of the root requirement
in the structure. |
Replace by New Revision
Creates a new revision of the selected object
in this location in the structure. |
Replace by Last Revision
Links the latest revision of the selected
object in this location in the structure. |
Reserves the selected items so that they
cannot be edited or deleted by another user. |
Unreserves the selected items so that can be
edited or deleted by another user. |
Removes all selected objects from the
specification structure and deletes them from the database.
Click OK to confirm. Note:
You cannot
delete a specification or requirement that includes objects
reserved by another user.
Removes all selected objects and their
children from the specification structure and deletes them from
the database. Click OK to confirm.
You cannot delete a specification or requirement that
includes objects reserved by another user.
Removes the selected objects from the
specification structure, but does not delete them from the
database. Click OK to confirm. |
Marks the selected requirement as the source
of either a sub requirement or downstream requirement. |
Links the selected requirement as a downstream
requirement of the marked source requirement. |
Links the selected requirement as a sub
requirement of the marked source requirement. |
Export to Word
Exports the specification and all associated
chapters, comments, and requirements as a Microsoft Word
document in the same format that is used to import
specifications and requirements from Word.
Mass Promote
Mass promotes all selected objects to the next
lifecycle state. |
Mass Demote
Mass demotes all selected objects to the
previous lifecycle state. |
Search within Context
Searches for and highlights child objects of
the selected object without having to expand the structure.
Expand Rich Text
Expands the Content
column to show all rich text content for the requirements
associated with the specification. |
Requirement Specification
Opens the Requirement Specification
QuickCharts panel. |