Creating a Requirement

You can create a requirement either as a stand-alone requirement or as a requirement in the context of another object such a specification, product, or feature. The requirement you create is considered the primary requirement. You can use this requirement to create sub requirements or downstream requirements. Users assigned to the Author role can create a requirement.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Before you begin: View the list of requirements. See Requirements Page.
  1. From the toolbar, select Actions > Create New .
  2. Enter these details for the new requirement:

    Field NameDescription
    TypeClick to select a requirement type or subtype.
    TitleType a short descriptive title for the requirement.
    ContentEnter the requirement content in the free-form area. Use the rich text controls to format text and to add tables and graphics. See Editing Rich Content.
    Owner If you are not the requirement's owner, click to select another owner.
    Priority From the drop-down list, select the priority for fulfilling this requirement:
    • Pre-assigned
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
    • Urgent
    DifficultyFrom the drop-down list, select the estimated level of difficulty implementing this requirement:
    • High
    • Medium
    • Low
    Sponsoring CustomerClick to select the customer sponsoring this requirement.
    Requirement CategoryType the requirement category.
    Requirement ClassificationFrom the drop-down list, select the classification for the requirement:
    • None
    • Functional
    • Non-Functional
    • Constraint

  3. Click Create to create multiple requirements in the current session. This stores the new details in the database and re-displays the Create New page. The values previously entered are retained for editing.


    Click Create and close to create the requirement and close the page.