Creating a Specification

You can create a requirement specification and its sub types. To create a requirement specification, you enter basic details about the specification. Optionally, you can also check in files (Microsoft Word or other types) to the specification when you create it.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Before you begin:

List the specifications. See Requirement Specifications Page.

  1. From the toolbar, select Actions > Create Requirement Specification .
  2. Enter these details for the new requirement specification:

    TypeUse the default type or click to search for and select another available object type.
    TitleType the short title for the specification.
    DescriptionType the detailed description of the specification.
    OwnerIf you are not the specification's owner, click to select another owner.

  3. Click Create to create multiple specifications in the current session. This stores the new details in the database and re-displays the Create New page. The values previously entered are retained for editing.


    Click Create and close to create the specification and close the page.