Linking a Requirement as a Downstream Requirement

You can create downstream relationships between requirements in different specifications. Using two specifications opened in separate web browser windows, you can mark a requirement in the specification in the first browser window as the source requirement, then link a requirement in the specification in the second browser window as a downstream requirement of that source requirement.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Before you begin: View the specifications list. See Requirement Specifications Page.
  1. Click in the row of the specification that contains the requirement to which you want to add a downstream requirement.
    The specification opens in a new web browser window.
  2. Click in the row of the specification that contains the requirement that you want to add as a downstream requirement to the other requirement.
    The specification opens in a new web browser window.
  3. Position the two web browser windows so that you can work with both at the same time.
  4. In the first browser window, select the requirement in the specification to which you want to add a downstream requirement.
  5. From the toolbar, select Actions > Link Sub/Downstream Requirement > Mark as Source.
  6. In the second browser window, select the requirement that you want to add as a downstream requirement of the requirement that you marked as the source.
  7. From the toolbar, select Actions > Link Sub/Downstream Requirement > Link as Downstream Requirement.

The selected requirement in the second browser window is now a downstream requirement of the selected requirement in the first browser window. The structure of the specification in the first browser window is updated to reflect this new relationship.