Working With Specification QuickCharts

You can view and filter the QuickCharts to get a quick graphical overview of the requirements associated with the specification.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Before you begin: Open the specification for which you want to view the QuickCharts. See Specification Detail Page.
See Also
About Specification Management
Specification QuickChart Categories
  1. From the page toolbar, click Requirement Specification QuickCharts .
    The Requirement Specification QuickCharts panel opens.
  2. Expand the specification structure to the level on which you want to report by doing one of the following:
    • Click Expand All to expand the entire specification structure.
    • Select an option from the Expand Levels menu to expand the specification structure to the appropriate level.

    Note: QuickCharts only report on objects shown in the specification structure. For example, if sub requirements are not displayed in the specification structure, there will be no values for sub requirements in the QuickCharts reports.

  3. Click the QuickChart name to view it.

    The report section expands to display the QuickChart as a pie chart or bar chart, depending on the type of data reported on.

  4. To remove a category of data from a QuickChart, click its entry in the chart legend to deselect it.
    The deselected category is inactive (grayed out) in the QuickChart legend and all QuickCharts are filtered to exclude objects that are associated with the category of data that was removed. For example, if you remove Functional requirements from the Classification QuickChart, all functional requirements will be removed from other applicable QuickCharts as well.
  5. To add a category of data back to a QuickChart, click its entry in the chart legend to select it.
    The selected category is active in the QuickChart legend and all QuickCharts are filtered to include objects that are associated with the category of data that was restored.
  6. Click Close.