Running the Requirement-Physical Traceability Report

The Requirement-Physical traceability report shows the products/components that are used to implement the requirement specification.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Before you begin: You must have the ENOVIA VPM Multidiscipline collaboration platform installed. You also need the following role: ctx:VPLMDesigner.MyCompany.Standard.
  1. Access the Requirement-Physical traceability reports by doing one of the following:
    • To access the reports from the specifications list:
      1. Select the specification in the list.
      2. From the Actions menu, select Traceability Report > Req-Physical.
    • To access the reports from a specification:
      1. View the specification from which you want to run the report. See Opening a Specification.
      2. From the navigation pane, select Traceability.
      3. Select the Req-Physical page tab.
  2. In the Req-Physical page tab, select Requirement-Physical Validation as the Report Name if it is not already selected.
  3. If there is more than one physical object associated with the specification, select the physical object that you want to report on.

    The Requirement-Physical report contains the following information:

    Column NameDescription
    NameThe name of the requirement in the specification.
    RevisionThe revision level of the requirement.
    PhysicalThe name of the physical object associated with the requirement.