From the compass, select the Engineering Templates
- In the Engineering Template window that appears, enter a title and description for the new template, and click OK.
- In the Engineering Template Authoring window that appears, do the following:
- From the PLM Template section of the action bar, click Add Reference to Template Definition, and search for the simulation to be captured by the template.
- Select the desired simulation, and click OK.
The simulation appears in the list of Components to process along with the root product. The sub-products in the simulation appear in the list of Unchanged components.
- Select the product to replace from the list of unchanged components, and move it to the list of components to process.
- Right-click the component to replace, and select Add selected components to components to replace from the context menu.
The Behavior at Instantiation field changes from To Duplicate to To Replace. - Propagate the knowledge template.