Creating a Template from a Simulation

You can use a knowledge template to capture the methodology in a simulation. You can then instantiate the template and create a new simulation that reproduces the original.

For more information, see Creating an Engineering Template in the Engineering Templates User's Guide.

See Also
About Simulations and Knowledge Templates
Using a Template to Replace the Product in a Simulation
  1. From the compass, select the Engineering Templates app.
  2. In the Engineering Template window that appears, enter a title and description for the new template, and click OK.
  3. In the Engineering Template Authoring window that appears, do the following:
    1. From the PLM Template section of the action bar, click Add Reference to Template Definition, and search for the simulation to be captured by the template.
    2. Select the desired simulation, and click OK.
      The simulation appears in the list of Components to process along with the root product. The sub-products in the simulation appear in the list of Unchanged components.
  4. Select the product to replace from the list of unchanged components, and move it to the list of components to process.
  5. Right-click the component to replace, and select Add selected components to components to replace from the context menu.
    The Behavior at Instantiation field changes from To Duplicate to To Replace.
  6. Propagate the knowledge template.