Displaying Controller Attributes

This task describes how to display controller attributes that may be exposed by the V6 RRS-II interface.

Related controller attributes are grouped into controller attribute groups, and you can specify which attribute groups are to be displayed in separate, read-only dialog boxes. Note that the values of these attributes will be updated as they change during simulation.

Before you begin: Enable an RRS-II connection for the robot.
  1. Select RRS Operations.
  2. Select a robot.
    The RRS-II Operations dialog box appears for the selected robot.
  3. Select the Controller Attributes tab.

    A list of Available Attribute Groups is shown, as well as the current list of Attribute Groups to Display.

    • Available Attribute Groups: All controller attribute groups available for display are listed in the left pane. Select the attribute group(s) to be displayed and click the right arrow to move them to the Attribute Groups to Display list.
    • Attribute Groups to Display: If necessary, use the left arrow to remove any attribute groups from the Attributes Groups To Display list and move them back into the Available Attribute Groups list.
  4. Click OK or Apply to have the value associated with each selected attribute group appear in separate read-only dialog boxes.
    • Each attribute group dialog box will remain open until it is explicitly closed using the Cancel button.
    • The displayed attribute values will be updated as they change during a simulation run.
    • To view an attribute group dialog box after it has been closed:
      1. Select RRS Operations.
      2. Select the robot
      3. Click OK or Apply.
      Note: The previously selected Attribute Groups to Display remain selected during the RRS-II session.