Creating Real-Time Ground Shadows

You can create real-time ground shadows to simulate the reflections of an object on its environment walls.

See Also
Creating Object-to-Object Shadows
  1. From the Rendering Scene Design section of the action bar, click Create Directional Light .
    A directional light appears in the work area and the tree.
    Important: Only directional lights can cast real-time ground shadows.
  2. Click Create Box Environment .
    A box environment surrounds the object in the work area.
  3. To apply a texture on the bottom wall of the environment:
    1. In the tree, double-click the Bottom wall.
      The Properties dialog box appears.
    2. In the Texture tab, select and then choose a texture.
    3. Click OK.
  4. To put the geometry on the bottom wall, right-click in the tree the Bottom wall and then select Snap to Geometry.
    The geometry is displayed on the bottom wall of the environment.

  5. To display shadows on the bottom wall of the environment:
    1. In the tree, right-click the Bottom wall and then select Properties.
    2. In the Lighting tab, select Shadow > On.
    3. To save your modifications, click OK.
  6. To edit the light properties, do one of the following:
    • In the tree, right-click the light and select Properties or Light object > Definition .
    • In the tree, double-click the light.
    The Properties dialog box appears.
  7. In the Shadows tab, select the On Environment check box.
  8. To save your modifications, click OK.
    The shadow of the object appears on the bottom wall.

    Tip: To move the shadow, move the light.