Setting up the File Connector

OnePart makes sense of many types of CAD files, but also Office, PDF and images. For details on file formats, see Supported File Formats in the OnePart Reference Guide .

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: We highly recommend that you use the OnePart Console to create your sources. OnePart automatically configures the security and Consolidation Server requirements. If necessary, you can create the connectors and configure the advanced options in the Administration Console using the procedures below.

Adding a Files connector

To add a Files connector for your filesystems sources, you must use the OnePartTemplate that includes pre-configured file extension filters and the Push API filters from the OnePartPAPIFilters.

Your connector will not be supported if you do not use these PAPIFilters. This internal connector contains:

  • Semaphore
  • Document Processor Pipeline
  • Meta Cleaner
  • Meta copier
  • Original Source Setter
  • OnePart Parts Cleaner
  • NoDeleteDocumentRootPath
  • XCV Convert PushAPIFilter

To add a Files connector

This procedure details how to add a Files connector with multiple paths.

  1. Open the Exalead CloudView Administration Console.
    1. Go to http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+1>/admin
    2. Enter the Login//Password : admin//exalead (by default).
  2. Go to Index > Connectors and click Add connector.

  3. Complete the fields as follows:
    1. For Name, enter, for example, Design-team

      You should always use an intuitive name since it appears as a navigation facet in the OnePart Console.

    2. For Creation mode, select copy.

      This copy creation mode is useful to create other similar Files connectors.

    3. For Connector to copy, select OnePartTemplate.
    4. Click Accept.
      The Design-team connector page is created.
  4. On this Configuration page, go to the Filesystem paths section and enter the path to your CAD files and designs, for example:
    1. for local files, C:\ Apps\design\parts
    2. for files on a fileshare, \\yourfileshare\public\caddata\
    3. If your service is running under the Local System account and does not have access to the fileshare, you must use an account that has access.

      See the required File read permissions.

  5. Click Add path to configure additional paths.
  6. In the Deployment tab, verify that the connector is deployed.

  7. Click Apply to save and apply your configuration changes.
  8. You must now import the files before being able to look at the search results in the UI. Go to Importing your data.

Exclude/Include rules

You can specify the paths or filenames that you do not want to crawl by adding Exclude rules. Similarly, you can specify the paths that you want to crawl adding Include rules. By default, OnePart includes standard file types: txt html htm rtf doc xls ppt pdf wpd tif zip tar tgz tbz sxw odt sxc ods sxi odp sxd odg docx pptx xlsx htm eml msg pst h xml vcf and specific CAD files as specified in the section OnePart Getting Started Guide.


For more details on the Files connector and the use of regular expressions, see “Files Connector” in the Exalead CloudView Connector Programmer's Guide.

If there is


No Include rule and no Exclude rule

all documents are accepted for the specified filename extensions.

One or more Include rules

documents are accepted if at least one include rule matches AND if no exclude rule matches.

One or more Exclude rules

documents are accepted if no exclude rule matches.

To exclude folders from the root path(s)

Once you have scanned and indexed the files, you may discover that more files are being indexed than you really need. You can come back to the connector’s configuration to filter out unwanted folders.

  1. In Exalead CloudView, on the Files connector’s configuration page, click More options.
  2. Under Exclude rules, click Add exclude rule and enter the rule, for example, C:\Apps\design\parts\beta.

    This will index all the files in the C:\ Apps\design\parts folder except the subfolder beta.

  3. Deselect the Regexp option as shown below.

    For more details on the Files connector, see the Exalead CloudView Connectors Guide.

To exclude file types from being indexed

OnePart supports most standard file types and specific CAD files. Exclude rules are pre-configured to filter out unwanted files such as temporary and hidden files.

You can exclude additional file types as follows.

  1. In Exalead CloudView, on the Files connector’s configuration page:
    1. Click More options.
    2. Under Exclude rules, click Add exclude rule and enter the rule, for example, \.log$.

      This will exclude all files with the .log extension from the search results.

  2. Click Apply to save and apply your configuration changes.
  3. You will need to rescan the files for the changes to take effect.