Setting up security sources

Setting up security sources

The ACL-based document security is enabled by default in OnePart because the Files connector pushes Access Control Lists (ACLs) along with documents when scanning.

This task shows you how to:


Application security is already enabled as well in the OnePart UI so you only need to configure and test the source.

Note: This procedure assumes you are crawling files from a Windows domain server.

Create the security source

A key thing to remember with OnePart is that you must ALWAYS have a Multi-security source named app_login. This name maintains the link for the security enabled on both Exalead CloudView and the OnePart UI’s.


You must first create the new security source.

The following procedure details how to create a new security source for Active Directory, but creating any new type of security source such as LDAP involves the same process, just with different fields to complete. See also Supported security sources.

  1. Log in to the Administration Console with the Login / Password: app-admin / exalead
  2. Go to Search > Security Sources.
  3. Click Add security source.
    • For Name, type app_login_AD.
    • For Type, select the type you require such as Active Directory.
    • Click Accept.

Configure the security source

You must add the security source as a source in the app_login configuration and configure as follows.

  1. For this security source, complete the following fields:
    • address: Domain controller address
    • user and password: the specified user must have read-access on the directory server content.
    • base: the search base, such as cn=Users,dc=office,dc=exalead,dc=com.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Edit the app_login security source.
  4. Change the Source Name OR click Add item to add the new source, app_login_AD .

  5. Under Test authentication, click Test Authentication.
  6. Enter your login and password, and then click Test.

If successful, your user ID, display name, and full list of security tokens (or on an Active Directory source, a list of group GUIDs) displays. If not, check your parameters and contact your system administrator.

Enable the security source

How to enable the security source into the default OnePart security sources. For more info about "app_login" see the Setting up security for multiple sources.

  1. When using CAS, go to the Security sources > cas_filter configuration. Replace the "cas_no_sec" Security source by your security source name.
  2. Otherwise: Add a Source in app_login and choose your security source name as Name.