Uninstalling OnePart

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: OnePart has an uninstall tool located in the home installation directory, for example, C:\OnePart. This process removes the OnePart data and configuration from your computer. If you want to remove OnePart completely then you must manually delete the home installation directory. See below how To uninstall OnePart.

To uninstall OnePart

Before you begin: Use the uninstall tool to remove OnePart from your computer and unregister its Windows service.
  1. Open your Windows Explorer.
  2. Go to the installation directory such as C:\OnePart.
  3. Right-click on uninstall.bat and select Run as administrator.
    • The wizard will guide you through the uninstall process.

To uninstall OnePart manually

  1. Stop the OnePart service.
  2. For Windows only, unregister the service - in the Windows command line, run: <DATADIR>\bin\unregisterservice.exe
  3. Delete the OnePart data directory, <DATADIR>.
    • For example, C:\OnePart\datadir
  4. Delete the OnePart installation directory, <INSTALLDIR>
    • Optional: if you want to re-install OnePart, doing this step means you’ll need to either extract the original kit archive file again, or download the installation zip file again if you no longer have it.
    • For example, C:\OnePart\

To remove the Demo Data

If you are an advanced user and want to remove the demo configuration from OnePart without reinstalling then you can follow the procedure below.

Before you begin: If you are ready to import your own content, we highly recommend that you start with a clean OnePart configuration, without the demo configuration installed.
  1. In the OnePart Console, click Clear for each connector.
    • This may take a minute, once it has completed clearing the data, the Delete button displays.
  2. Click Delete to remove the demo connectors.
  3. Add your new sources. See complete details, see the OnePart Connectors Guide.