Design features

The search and results features in NETVIBES OnePart are as follows.

This page discusses:


From the List and Preview pages, OnePart allows you to add tags on any document.

Tags provide a convenient way of building shared, named object lists, and to implement simple collaborative workflows. They are visible to everyone and available as filtering categories.

Facets generated from tags are hierarchically split when the tag contains a slash character ‘/’.

The author's login and modification date are displayed as tooltip.

You can also apply tags to all items in the search results using the Mass tagging feature available from the List view.

To add a tag on any document


OnePart groups identical items from all search result views by default. You can enable/disable the grouping feature based on the grouping strategy set in the preferences. The grouping strategy is set to Identical files grouped by default for under 500,000 documents.

To display the list of grouped identical items

  • Click on the green square (indicating the number of identical items).

  • The parts display in a new panel.