Output and Diagnostics for ALE Adaptive Meshing in Abaqus/Explicit

Output for ALE adaptive meshing:

  • can be used to verify the automatic splitting of user-defined domains, the formation of Lagrangian edges and corners, the formation of geometric edges and corners, and the determination of nonadaptive nodes;

  • must be interpreted carefully, since the values of output variables at specific locations in the mesh are no longer linked to values at particular material points;

  • can include the definition of tracer particles, which follow material points and allow you to examine the trajectory of those points and plot material time histories of all element and nodal variables at those points; and

  • can include diagnostic information on the efficiency of adaptive meshing and the accuracy of advection.

This page discusses:

See Also
About ALE Adaptive Meshing
Defining ALE Adaptive Mesh Domains in Abaqus/Explicit
In Other Guides
Output to the Output Database
