Eulerian Analysis

In a traditional Lagrangian analysis nodes are fixed within the material, and elements deform as the material deforms. Lagrangian elements are always 100% full of a single material, so the material boundary coincides with an element boundary.

By contrast, in an Eulerian analysis nodes are fixed in space, and material flows through elements that do not deform. Eulerian elements may not always be 100% full of material—many may be partially or completely void. The Eulerian material boundary must, therefore, be computed during each time increment and generally does not correspond to an element boundary. The Eulerian mesh is typically a simple rectangular grid of elements constructed to extend well beyond the Eulerian material boundaries, giving the material space in which to move and deform. If any Eulerian material moves outside the Eulerian mesh, it is lost from the simulation.

Eulerian material can interact with Lagrangian elements through Eulerian-Lagrangian contact; simulations that include this type of contact are often referred to as coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) analyses. This powerful, easy-to-use feature of Abaqus/Explicit general contact enables fully coupled multi-physics simulation such as fluid-structure interaction.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Eulerian Surface Definition
Eulerian Elements

Products Abaqus/Explicit