Problem description
The panel measures 44 mm on the left-hand side and 16 mm on the right-hand side. The two sides are parallel and 48 mm apart. The top right-hand corner is initially 16 mm above the top left-hand corner, as shown in Figure 1. The panel is clamped on its left edge and loaded in shear with a 1.0 N force on its right edge. It is composed of nearly incompressible neo-Hookean material with parameters =0.4 and =2.5 × 10−4 to enable comparison with the results of Simo and Armero (1992) and Brink and Stein (1996). When solving the problem with three-dimensional elements, a thickness of 5 mm is assumed and symmetry boundary conditions are applied on the X–Y plane faces.
Hybrid elements are used due to the nearly incompressible nature of the material. The plane strain problem is solved with meshes composed of triangular (CPE3H, CPE6H, and CPE6MH) and quadrilateral (CPE4H, CPE4IH, and CPE4RH) elements. The three-dimensional problem is solved with meshes composed of tetrahedral (C3D4H, C3D10H, and C3D10MH) and hexahedral (C3D8H, C3D8IH, and C3D8RH) elements. A mesh convergence study is performed: for each element type the problem is solved with increasingly refined meshes of 4, 8, 16, and 32 elements on each side of the panel. For three-dimensional elements, a fixed number of two elements through the thickness is considered.