Problem description
This problem models the interaction between two fluid-coupled concentric elastic cylinders and a weak planar step shock wave with a maximum pressure of 1.0 MPa. The inner cylinder is air-backed. In contrast to Huang's solution, engineering material parameters for the fluid and solid media are used. The inner cylindrical shell has a radius of 0.8 m and a thickness of 23.24 mm, while the outer cylindrical shell has a radius of 1 m and a thickness of 5.81 mm. The shells are made of steel with a density of 7766 kg/m3, a Young's modulus of 206.4 GPa, and a Poisson's ratio of 0.3. The fluid is water with a density of 997 kg/m3, in which the speed of sound is 1524 m/s. A half-symmetry model is used. Each cylindrical shell is modeled with 18 S4R elements, with each element spanning 10° in the circumferential direction and 175 mm in the axial direction. Axial symmetry boundary conditions are applied on the edges of the shell elements to represent the infinite axial dimensions of the problem. The fluid in between the cylinders and outside the outer cylinder is meshed with AC3D8R elements, with each acoustic element spanning 10° in the circumferential direction. The exterior fluid region is concentric with the cylinders and has a radius of 2.002 m. A circular nonreflective boundary condition is imposed on the outer surface of the exterior fluid region using surface impedance. The fluid response is coupled to that of the structure using a tie constraint. The fluid-solid system is excited by a planar step wave applied at the outer cylindrical shell using incident wave loading. A linear bulk viscosity parameter of 0.25 and a quadratic bulk viscosity parameter of 10.0 are used.