Eigenvalue analysis of a beam under various end constraints and loadings

This example shows how to use the eigenvalue capability in Abaqus with a variety of options.

This page discusses:

See Also
Vibration of a cable under tension
In Other Guides
Static Stress Analysis
Linear Constraint Equations


This example uses two simple beam structures: a cantilever with various supports at the tip, and a beam with both ends simply supported. In some cases the beam is preloaded in an initial static step, and the eigenvalues of the preloaded structure are then obtained. The preloaded structure analysis requires that geometric nonlinearities be included in the step so that Abaqus will form the initial stress matrix.

For the cantilever a variety of end conditions are used: a free end, a simple support, and a stiff, vertical spring support. In addition, cases are run with open and closed gap conditions at the end. In one case the beam is made up of separate segments, connected with an equation constraint.