Problem description
The problem setup is shown in Figure 1, which depicts a conductive rectangular brick with a rectangular hole placed in a uniform magnetic field that is decaying in time. The dimensions of the brick are a = 0.1524 m, b = 0.1016 m, and c = 0.0508 m. The brick is assumed to be made of an aluminum alloy with a resistivity of = 3.94 × 10–8m and a relative magnetic permeability of = 1.0. The rectangular hole is centered in and penetrates through the brick. The dimensions of the hole are assumed to be l = 0.0889 m and w = 0.0381 m. The orientation of the uniform magnetic field is parallel to the direction of penetration of the hole and is assumed to be decaying as , where = 0.1 T and = 0.0119 s. The medium surrounding the brick is assumed to have properties similar to that of a vacuum.