The Hertz contact problem (see Timoshenko and Goodier, 1951)
provides a classic example for verifying the contact capabilities in
It also serves as an excellent illustration of the use of
substructuring in
for locally nonlinear cases (local surface contact). In addition, the problem
is analyzed under dynamic conditions in
to illustrate the use of contact surfaces in such cases.
The Hertz contact problem studied consists of two identical, infinitely long
cylinders pressed into each other. The solution quantities of most interest are
the pressure distribution on the contacting area, the size of the contact area,
and the stresses near the contact area. The material behavior is assumed to be
linear elastic, and geometric nonlinearities are ignored. Therefore, the only
nonlinearity in the problem is the contact constraint.
The cylinders in this example have a radius of 254 mm (10 in) and are
elastic, with Young's modulus of 206 GPa (30 × 106
lb/in2) and Poisson's ratio of 0.3. Smooth contact (no friction) is
The contact area remains small compared to the radius of the cylinders, so
the vertical displacements along the diametric chord of the cylinder that is
parallel to the contact plane are almost uniform. This, together with the
symmetry of the problem, requires only one-quarter of one cylinder to be
modeled. Displacements are prescribed on the diametric cut parallel to the
rigid plane to load the problem. For this example the nodes along the diametric
cut are displaced vertically down by 10.16 mm (0.4 in). The total load per unit
length of the cylinder can be obtained by summing the corresponding reaction
forces on the cylinder or equivalently as the reaction force on the rigid body
reference node.
For illustration, the problem is modeled in both two and three dimensions.
In the two-dimensional Abaqus/Standard case the quarter-cylinder is modeled with 20 8-node plane strain elements (see Figure 1). In the two-dimensional Abaqus/Explicit case the quarter-cylinder is modeled with either 171 4-node plane strain
(CPE4R) elements (see Figure 5) or 130 6-node plane strain (CPE6M)
elements (see Figure 6). In the three-dimensional cases a cylinder of unit thickness is modeled, with the
out-of-plane displacements fixed on the two exterior faces of the model to impose the plane
strain condition. The bulk of the cylinder is modeled in Abaqus/Standard with 16 20-node bricks; the remaining four elements that abut the surface where contact
may occur are modeled with element type C3D27,
which is a brick element that allows a variable number of nodes. This element is intended
particularly for three-dimensional contact analysis. Element type
C3D27 always has at least 21 nodes: the corner
nodes, the midedge nodes, and one node at the element's centroid. The midface nodes may be
omitted at the user's discretion. In this case the midface nodes on the surfaces where
contact may occur are retained. The other midface nodes (on the element faces that are
interior to the cylinder) are omitted, making those faces compatible with the 20-node bricks
used in the remainder of the model. This use of 27-node brick elements is strongly
recommended for three-dimensional contact problems in which second-order elements are used:
it is almost essential for cases where partial contact may occur over element surfaces, as
is the case in this example. The reason is that the interpolation on the surface of a
quadratic element without a midface node is based on the four corner nodes and the four
midedge nodes only and is, therefore, rather incomplete (it is not a product of Lagrange
interpolations). Therefore, if a quadratic element is specified as part of the secondary
surface definition and there is no midface node on the contacting face, Abaqus/Standard will generate the midface node automatically and modify the element definition
appropriately. In Abaqus/Explicit meshes with either C3D8R elements or
C3D10M elements are used.
It is clearly advisable to refine the portion of the mesh near the expected
contact region to predict the contact pressure and contact area accurately.
This refinement is accomplished in
by using one of the default multi-point constraints provided for this purpose
(General Multi-Point Constraints).
a more refined mesh with mesh gradation is used.
To be consistent with the Hertz solution, geometric nonlinearities are
neglected for all
Contact modeling
Because of symmetry, the contact problem can be modeled as a deformable cylinder being pressed
against a flat, rigid surface. Therefore, two contact surfaces are required: one (the
secondary surface in Abaqus/Standard) on the deformable cylinder and the other (the main surface in Abaqus/Standard) on the rigid body.
For illustrative purposes several different techniques are used to define the contacting surface
pairs. The secondary surface is defined by (1) grouping the free faces of elements in an
element set that includes all elements in the region that potentially will come into contact
(Abaqus defines the faces automatically), (2) specifying the faces of the elements (or the
element sets) in the contact region, or (3) identifying the nodes on the deformable body in
the contact region that may come into contact. The main surface is defined by (1) specifying
the faces of the rigid elements (or element sets) used to define the rigid body or (2)
defining the rigid surface with a surface definition and rigid body constraint. Any
combination of these techniques can be used together.
By default,
uses a finite-sliding contact formulation for modeling the interaction between
contact pairs. The contacting surfaces undergo negligible sliding relative to
each other, which makes this problem a candidate for the small-sliding contact
formulation. For a discussion of small- versus finite-sliding contact, see
Contact Formulations in Abaqus/Standard
Contact Formulations for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit.
The surface contact formulation in
gives an accurate solution for the contact area and pressure distribution
between the surfaces because of the choice of integration scheme used. Irons
and Ahmad (1980) suggest a Gaussian integration rule for calculating
self-consistent areas for surface boundary condition problems, which for
second-order elements can lead to oscillating results for the pressure
distribution on the surface. Oden and Kikuchi explain why this behavior occurs
(1980) and present the remedy of using Simpson's integration rule instead. This
technique is used in
and no oscillations in the pressure distribution are found.
The default contact pair formulation in the normal direction in
is hard contact, which gives strict enforcement of contact constraints. Some
standard analyses of this problem are conducted with both hard and augmented
Lagrangian contact to demonstrate that the default penalty stiffness chosen by
the code does not affect stress results significantly. The hard and augmented
Lagrangian contact algorithms are described in
Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Standard.
The default contact pair formulation in
is kinematic contact, which gives strict enforcement of contact constraints.
(Note: the small-sliding contact option mentioned previously is available only
with kinematic contact.) The explicit dynamic analyses of this problem are
conducted with both kinematic and penalty contact to demonstrate that the
penetration characteristic of the penalty method can affect stress results
significantly in problems with displacement-controlled loading and purely
elastic response. The kinematic and penalty contact algorithms are described in
Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Explicit.
This type of contact problem is very suitable for analysis using the
substructuring technique in
since the only nonlinearity in the problem is the contact condition, which is
quite local. The cylinder can be defined as a substructure and, thus, reduced
to a small number of retained degrees of freedom on the surface where contact
may occur or where boundary conditions may be changed. During the iterative
solution for contact only these external degrees of freedom on the substructure
appear in the equations, thus substantially reducing the cost per iteration.
Once the local nonlinearity has been resolved, the solution in the cylinder is
recovered as a purely linear response to the known displacements at these
retained degrees of freedom. This technique is particularly effective in this
case because the rigid surface is flat and there is no friction on the surface;
therefore, only the displacement component normal to the surface needs to be
retained in the nonlinear iterations.
All information that is relevant to the substructure generation must be
given within the substructure generation step, including the degrees of freedom
that will be retained. The substructure creation and usage cannot be included
in the same input file. Only one substructure can be generated per input file.
Any number of unit load cases can be defined for the substructure by using a
substructure load case. Although this feature is not necessary in this example,
it is used in one of the input files for verification purposes.
Substructures are introduced into an analysis model using elements, where
the element number and nodes are defined for each usage of each substructure.
Node and element numbers within a substructure and at the usage level are
independent—the same node and element numbers can be reused in different
substructures and on the usage level. It is also possible to refer to a
substructure several times if the structure has identical sections. Thus, once
a substructure has been created, it is used just as a standard element type.
Results and discussion
Results for the
analyses are discussed in the following paragraphs.
Despite the rather coarse mesh, Figure 2 shows that the contact pressure between the cylinders predicted by the two-dimensional
Abaqus/Standard model is in good agreement with the analytical distribution. The numerical solution is
less accurate at the boundary of the contact patch where the contact pressure is
characterized by a strong gradient. This aspect is also captured by the contact pressure
error indicator. The only realistic way to improve the numerical solution would be to use
a more detailed discretization. Almost identical results are obtained from the
three-dimensional Abaqus/Standard model.
Figure 3
shows contours of Mises equivalent stress. This plot verifies that the highest
stress intensity (where the material will yield first) occurs inside the body
and not on the surface.
Figure 4
shows the deformed configuration. In that figure the contacting surface of the
cylinder appears to be curved downward because of the magnification factor used
to exaggerate the displacements to show the results more clearly.
In this example substructuring reduces the computer time required for the
job substantially because it allows the nonlinear contact problem to be
resolved among a small number of active degrees of freedom. Substructuring
involves considerable computational “overhead” because of the complex data
management required. The reduced stiffness matrix coupling the retained degrees
of freedom on a substructure is a full matrix. Thus, the method is not always
as advantageous as this example would suggest. The use of substructures usually
increases the analysis time in a purely linear analysis, unless a substructure
can be used several times. In such cases the advantage of the method is that it
allows a large analysis to be divided into several smaller analysis jobs, in
each of which a substructure is created or substructures are used to build the
next level of the analysis model.
The prescribed displacements on the diametric cut are ramped up over a
relatively long time (.01 s) to minimize inertial effects. The displacements
are then fixed for a short time (.001 s) to verify that the explicit dynamic
results are truly quasi-static. Throughout the analysis the total kinetic
energy is less than .1% of the total internal energy. In addition, the sum of
the vertical reaction forces along the diametric cut closely matches the sum
from the nodes in contact with the rigid body. These results indicate that the
analysis can be accepted as quasi-static.
Figure 7
Figure 8
show the contact pressures between the cylinders for the two-dimensional models
using kinematic and penalty contact, respectively. The contact pressure
distribution shows the classical elliptic distribution. The maximum pressure
occurs at the symmetry plane and, for the kinematic contact analysis, is within
1% of the classical solution. However, the contact pressure is significantly
lower when penalty contact is used because of the contact penetration. Almost
identical results are obtained from the three-dimensional
Figure 9
Figure 10
show contours of Mises equivalent stress for kinematic and penalty contact,
respectively. Again, the stress is significantly less with penalty contact than
with kinematic contact. These plots verify that the highest stress intensity
(where the material will yield first) occurs inside the body and not on the
Figure 11
Figure 12
show the deformed configurations for the two types of contact enforcement; note
the contact penetration in
Figure 12.
In most cases kinematic contact and penalty contact will produce very
similar results. However, there are exceptions, as this problem demonstrates.
The user should be aware of the characteristics of both contact constraint
methods, which are discussed in
Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Explicit.
The kinematic contact method is better suited for this analysis because the
penetrations associated with the penalty method influence the solution
significantly. It is uncommon for these penetrations to be significant. Factors
that tend to increase the significance of contact penetrations are: 1)
displacement-controlled loading, 2) highly confined regions, 3) coarse meshes,
and 4) purely elastic response. The penetrations can be reduced by increasing
the penalty stiffness. However, increasing the penalty stiffness will tend to
decrease the stable time increment and, thus, increase the analysis cost.
Figure 13
shows the contact pressure between the cylinders for a model meshed with CPE6M elements that uses kinematic contact enforcement.
Figure 14
Figure 15
show contours of Mises equivalent stress and the deformed configuration,
respectively, for this analysis. The maximum contact pressure is again within
1% of the classical solution, and the distribution of Mises equivalent stress
is very similar to that obtained with CPE4R elements and kinematic contact enforcement. Similar results are
obtained using C3D10M elements.
Dynamic analysis in
A simple dynamic example is created in
by giving the cylinder a uniform initial velocity with the contact conditions
all open. This represents the experiment of dropping the cylinder onto a rigid,
flat floor under a gravity field.
The impact algorithm used in
for dynamic contact is based on the assumption that, when any contact occurs,
the total momentum of the bodies remains unchanged while the points that are
contacting will acquire the same velocity instantaneously. In this example the
cylinder contacts a rigid surface, which implies that each contacting point
will suddenly have zero vertical velocity. This means that a compressive stress
wave will emanate from the contacting point and will travel back into the
cylinder. After some time this will cause the cylinder to rebound.
It is important to understand that the
dynamic contact algorithm is a “locally perfectly plastic impact” algorithm, as
described above, which gives excellent results when it is used correctly.
However, it is readily seen that, if the cylinder were modeled as a
concentrated mass, with one vertical degree of freedom, the algorithm would
imply that the cylinder stops instantaneously when it hits the rigid surface.
In reality neither the cylinder nor the surface it hits are rigid: stress waves
are started in each. Enough of this detail must be modeled for the results to
be meaningful. In this example the cylinder itself is modeled in reasonable
detail to capture at least the overall dynamic behavior. If the physical
problem from which the example has been developed is that of two cylinders with
equal and opposite velocities, this solution is probably useful. If the
physical problem is that of a single cylinder hitting a flat surface, it may be
necessary to include some elements to model the material below the surface (and
the propagation of energy into that domain), unless that material is very dense
so that this propagation can be neglected.
Uses the substructure generated by the previous input file as a substructure database file;
prints the substructure matrix to a results file after it has been read in as an
element from the substructure file. The ELEMENT MATRIX OUTPUT option
is used to output the matrix in this case.
Restart job of problem hertzcontact_3d_sub_library.inp. It is necessary to provide both the
restart file and the substructure database file for this job.
Again uses the
USER ELEMENT option to read in the substructure matrix. The same
analysis is completed again with the matrix output during its use rather than
during its generation.
A substructure model where the substructure has been rotated through an
angle of 45°. The
EQUATION option is used during the substructure definition, and the
TRANSFORM option is used at the usage level.
A two-dimensional model in which the two cylinders are initially apart, and
the deformation is produced by a point load instead of a displacement boundary
condition. The
CONTACT CONTROLS option with the STABILIZE parameter is used to prevent rigid body motion until contact is
Two-dimensional problem using substructuring with the displacement applied
to the top surface through the use of the
KINEMATIC COUPLING option. The coupling reference node is one of the retained
substructure nodes, providing a “handle” for displacing the model.
Two-dimensional problem with the displacement applied to the top surface.
The displacement of the top surface is controlled by a reference node through
the use of the
KINEMATIC options.
Two-dimensional problem using substructuring. The displacement is applied to
the top surface through the use of the
KINEMATIC options. The coupling reference node is one of the
retained substructure nodes, providing a “handle” for displacing the model.
Two-dimensional problem using substructuring. The displacement is applied to
the top surface through the use of the
DISTRIBUTING options. The coupling reference node is one of the
retained substructure nodes, providing a “handle” for displacing the model. The
distributing weight factors are calculated automatically through the tributary
surface area.
Three-dimensional general contact model using 10-node quadratic modified
tetrahedral elements for the sole purpose of testing the performance of the
Two-dimensional kinematic contact model using 6-node quadratic modified
triangular elements.
Irons, B., and S. Ahmad, Techniques
of Finite Elements, Ellis
Horwood Ltd., Chichester
England, 1980.
Oden, J.T., and N. Kikuchi, Fifth
Invitational Symposium of the Unification of Finite Elements, Finite
Differences, Calculus of
Variations, H.
Kardestuncer, Editor, University of Connecticut at
Storrs, 1980.
Timoshenko, S., and J. N. Goodier, Theory
of Elasticity, Second
edition, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1951.
Figure 1. Mesh for the Hertz contact example,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 2. Contact pressure and contact pressure error indicator versus position
for the Hertz contact (no friction) example,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 3. Mises stress distribution for the Hertz contact problem,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 4. Displaced configuration for the Hertz contact problem,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 5. Mesh for the Hertz contact example using CPE4R elements,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 6. Mesh for the Hertz contact example using CPE6M elements,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 7. Contact pressure contour for the Hertz contact problem using CPE4R elements and kinematic contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 8. Contact pressure contour for the Hertz contact problem using CPE4R elements and penalty contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 9. Mises stress distribution for the Hertz contact problem using CPE4R elements and kinematic contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 10. Mises stress distribution for the Hertz contact problem using CPE4R elements and penalty contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 11. Displaced configuration for the Hertz contact problem using CPE4R elements and kinematic contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 12. Displaced configuration for the Hertz contact problem using CPE4R elements and penalty contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 13. Contact pressure contour for the Hertz contact problem using CPE6M elements and kinematic contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 14. Mises stress distribution for the Hertz contact problem using CPE6M elements and kinematic contact,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 15. Displaced configuration for the Hertz contact problem using CPE6M elements and kinematic contact,