Problem description
The geometry consists of a “hook” in the form of a curved strip rigidly clamped at one end and loaded with a unit in-plane shear along the width at the other end. It has two circular segments that are connected at the tangent point. The smaller segment has a mean radius of 0.3556 m (14 inches) and spans 60° from the clamped end to the tangent point. The larger segment spans 150° from the tangent point to the free end and has a mean radius of 1.1684 m (46 inches). The hook is 0.0508 m (2 inches) thick and 0.508 m (20 inches) wide, modeled as linear elastic with an elastic modulus of 22.77 MPa (3300 psi) and a Poisson's ratio of 0.35. In most tests the shear force is applied through the use of a distributing coupling constraint. The coupling constraint provides coupling between a reference node on which the load is prescribed and the nodes located on the free end. The distributed nodal loads on the free end are equivalent to a uniformly distributed load of 8.7563 N/m (0.05 lb/in). In two of the tests an equivalent shear force is applied as a distributed shear traction instead.
The problem is modeled using fully integrated S4 shell elements with five different meshes: 1 × 9, 3 × 18, 5 × 36, 10 × 72, and 20 × 144. For comparison the problem is also analyzed with S4R shell elements and SC8R continuum shell elements that use reduced integration. The reference solution is obtained with a refined mesh using C3D20R continuum elements with reduced integration.