The magnetic vector potential formulation is used to solve this problem. Due to the invariance of the geometry along the -direction and the fact that magnetic flux density lies in the x–y plane, only the -component of magnetic vector potential is nonzero. Although the geometry is two-dimensional in nature, the magnetic vector potential formulation in two dimensions can only represent the - and - components of the magnetic vector potential. Hence, a three-dimensional geometry that contains one element along the -direction is used.
Due to the symmetry of the problem, it is sufficient to model the first quadrant of the problem domain in the x–y plane. Appropriate boundary conditions are imposed on the symmetry planes and . Since the magnetic vector potential, , is oriented along the -direction, symmetry arguments require that it be identically zero on the plane. As a result, a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition is applied on the symmetry plane . Here represents the unit normal perpendicular to the boundary surface. Similarly, on the plane , symmetry arguments require that the magnetic field be perpendicular to the plane. Hence, a homogeneous Neumann boundary condition is applied on the symmetry plane .
Since the problem domain is unbounded, it must be truncated in some way. Abaqus does not support absorbing boundary conditions; therefore, the truncation boundary should be chosen far away from the conductor. Boundary surfaces far away from the conductor are chosen such that they are parallel to either the or plane. Magnetic vector potential and magnetic flux density far away from the conductor are given by and , where and are the unit vectors along the - and - coordinate axes. Since the projection of the magnetic vector potential onto the far boundary surface that is parallel to the plane is constant, an inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition is applied on this boundary surface. Since the magnetic flux density is perpendicular to the far boundary surface that is parallel to the plane, a homogeneous Neumann boundary condition is applied on this boundary surface.
Finally, since the magnetic vector potential is oriented along the -axis, a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition is applied on the boundary surfaces that are parallel to the plane.