This one-dimensional problem has a well-known linear solution (see Terzaghi and Peck, 1948) and,
thus, provides a simple verification of the consolidation capability in Abaqus. The analysis of saturated soils requires solution of coupled stress-diffusion equations,
and the formulation used in Abaqus is described in detail in Analysis of porous media and Plasticity for nonmetals. The coupling is
approximated by the effective stress principle, which treats the saturated soil as a
continuum, assuming that the total stress at each point is the sum of an “effective stress”
carried by the soil skeleton and a pore pressure in the fluid permeating the soil. This fluid
pore pressure can change with time (if external conditions change, such as the addition of a
load to the soil), and the gradient of the pressure through the soil that is not balanced by
the weight of fluid between the points in question causes the fluid to flow: the flow velocity
is proportional to the pressure gradient in the fluid according to Darcy's law. A typical case
is a consolidation problem. Here the addition of a load (usually an overburden) to a body of
soil causes pore pressure to rise initially; then, as the soil skeleton takes up the extra
stress, the pore pressures decay as the soil consolidates. The Terzaghi problem is the
simplest example of such a process. For illustration purposes, the problem is treated with and
without finite-strain effects. The small-strain version is the classical case discussed by
Terzaghi and Peck (1948), and the finite-strain version has been analyzed numerically by a
number of authors, including Carter et al. (1979).
Problem description
The problem is shown in
Figure 1.
A body of soil 2.54 m (100 in) high is confined by impermeable, smooth, rigid
walls on all but the top surface. On that surface perfect drainage is possible,
and a load is applied suddenly. Gravity is neglected. Because of the boundary
conditions, the problem is one-dimensional, the only gradient being in the
vertical direction. The purpose of the analysis is to predict the evolution of
displacement, effective stress, and pore pressure throughout the soil mass as a
function of time following the load application.
Geometry and models
The material properties and loading conditions defined in this problem are only for
illustration purposes and are not intended to be representative of any particular
geotechnical application.
contains no one-dimensional elements for effective stress calculations.
Therefore, we use a two-dimensional plane strain mesh, with one element only in
the x-direction. Element type CPE4P is chosen to perform the finite-strain analysis, and element type
CPE8P is chosen for the small-strain analysis. We recommend the use of
linear elements for applications involving finite strain, impact, or complex
contact conditions and second-order elements for problems where stress
concentrations must be captured accurately or where geometric features such as
curved surfaces must be modeled. In this particular example the linear and
second-order elements yield almost identical results.
The soil is assumed to be linear elastic, with a Young's modulus of 689.5
GPa (108 lb/in2) and Poisson's ratio of 0.3. The specific
weight of the pore fluid is assumed to be 276.8 × 103
N/m3 (1 lb/in3). The permeability is assumed to vary
linearly with the void ratio, with a value of 8.47 × 10−8 m/sec (2.0
× 10−4 in/min) at a void ratio of 1.5 and a value of 8.47 ×
10−9 m/sec (2.0 × 10−5 in/min) at a void ratio of 1.0.
The void ratio is assumed to be 1.5 initially throughout the sample.
uses effective permeability, which is permeability divided by the specific
weight of the pore fluid. Therefore, the fluid in this problem is assigned the
value 276.8 × 103 N/m3 (1 lb/in3) for the
specific weight (water, for example, has a specific weight of 9965
N/m3, 0.036 lb/in3) and the permeability is scaled
The boundary conditions are as follows. On the bottom and two vertical sides, the normal
component of displacement is fixed (0 on the bottom and 0 on the sides), and no flow of pore fluid through the walls is permitted.
This latter is the natural boundary condition in the fluid mass conservation equation, so no
explicit specifications need to be made (as with zero tractions in the equilibrium
equation). On the top surface a uniform downward load (an overburden) is applied suddenly.
The magnitude of this load is taken to be 689.5 GPa (108 lb/in2). This
large load causes considerable deformation, thus illustrating the difference between the
small- and large-strain solutions. This surface allows perfect drainage so that the excess
pore pressure is always zero on this surface.
Time stepping
The problem is run in two steps. The first step is a single increment of a
transient soils consolidation analysis with an arbitrary time step, with no
drainage allowed across the top surface (the natural boundary condition in the
mass conservation equation governing the pore fluid flow). This establishes the
initial solution: uniform pore pressure equal to the load throughout the body,
with no stress carried by the soil skeleton (zero effective stress). The actual
consolidation is then done with a second soils consolidation step, using
automatic time stepping.
The accuracy of the time integration for the second soils consolidation
procedure, during which drainage is occurring, is controlled by specifying the
maximum allowable pore pressure change per time step, .
Even in a linear problem this value controls the accuracy of the solution,
because the time integration operator is not exact (the backward difference
rule is used). In this case
is chosen as 344.8 GPa (5.0 × 107 lb/in2), which is a
relatively large value and, so, should only give moderate accuracy: this is
considered to be adequate for the purposes of the example.
An important issue in such consolidation problems is the choice of initial
time step. As the governing equations are parabolic, the initial solution
(immediately after the sudden change in load) is a local, “skin effect,”
solution. In this one-dimensional case the form of the initial solution is
sketched in
Figure 2
for illustration purposes. With a finite element mesh of reasonable size for
modeling the solution at a later time (when the changes in pore pressure have
diffused into the bulk of the body soil), this initial solution will be modeled
poorly. With smaller initial time steps the difficulty becomes more pronounced,
as sketched in
Figure 2.
As in any transient problem, the spatial element size and the time step are
related to the extent that time steps smaller than a certain size give no
useful information. This coupling of the spatial and temporal approximations is
always most obvious at the start of diffusion problems, immediately after
prescribed changes in the boundary values. For this particular case the issue
has been discussed in detail by Vermeer and Verruijt (1981), who suggest the
simple criterion
is a characteristic element size near the disturbance (that is, near the
draining surface in our case), E is the elastic modulus of
the soil skeleton, k is the soil permeability, and
is the specific weight of the permeating fluid. For our model we choose
254 mm (10 in); and we have
689.5 GPa (108 lb/in2), 8.47
× 10−8 m/s (2.0 × 10−4 in/min), 2.768
× 105 N/m3 (1.0 lb/in3), which gives
s (0.833 × 10−3 min). Based on this calculation, an initial time
step of .06 sec (0.001 min) is used. This gives an initial solution with no
“overshoot” at all, as expected.
In this case we want to continue the analysis to steady-state conditions. This is defined by
asking Abaqus to stop when all pore pressure change rates fall below 11.5 KN/m2/s (100
Results and discussion
In the small-strain analysis the “steady-state” condition (rate of change of
pore pressure with time below the prescribed value) is reached after 20
increments, the last time increment taken being 491 seconds (8.19 min)—about
8000 times the initial time increment. This very large change in time increment
size is typical of such diffusion systems and points out the value of using
automatic time stepping with an unconditionally stable integration operator for
such problems.
The results of the small-strain analysis are summarized in
Figure 3
Figure 5.
Figure 3
shows pore pressure profiles (pore pressure as a function of elevation) at
various times in the solution. As we would expect, the solution begins by rapid
drainage at the top of the sample and loss of pore pressure in that region.
This effect propagates down the sample until the entire sample is steadily
losing pore pressure throughout its length. At steady state the solution has
zero pore pressure everywhere, with the load being carried as a uniform
effective vertical stress.
Figure 4
shows this transfer of load from the fluid to the skeleton at the 1.905 m (75
in) elevation as a function of time.
Figure 5
compares these numerical results with the solution quoted in Terzaghi and Peck
(1948). Here the downward displacement of the top surface of the soil, as a
fraction of its steady-state value (the “degree of consolidation”), is plotted
as a function of normalized time, defined as
where k is the permeability of the soil,
E is the Young's modulus of the soil,
is the specific weight of the pore fluid, H is the height
of the soil sample, and t is time.
Figure 5
shows that the numerical solution agrees reasonably well with the analytical
solution, with some loss of accuracy at later times. This latter effect is
attributable to the coarse time stepping tolerance chosen. Higher accuracy
could be obtained with a tighter tolerance on the allowable pore pressure
stress change parameter ().
However, the solution is clearly adequate for design use.
In the finite-strain analysis of soils, changes in the void ratio can lead
to large changes in permeability, therefore affecting the transient response in
a consolidation analysis. Typical soils show a strong dependence of
permeability on the void ratio (as soil compacts, it becomes increasingly
harder for fluid to pass through it), with the consequence that “plugging” may
result. This means that a soil that was relatively permeable in its original
state becomes less permeable as it consolidates.
In this example the permeability of the soil is assumed to decrease by an order of magnitude as
the void ratio decreases from its initial value of 1.5 to a value of 1.0. Such logarithmic
dependence of permeability on the void ratio is common in fully saturated clays. Two
finite-strain analyses are run, one with permeability treated as a constant and a second
with this variation in permeability. The results are shown in Figure 6, together with the results of the small-strain analysis under similar load. The
“plugging” effect of void ratio dependence of permeability is clearly seen in this figure.
Since the permeability decreases with the consolidation of the soil, the time required for
all excess pore pressure to dissipate increases. The final value of displacement under the
applied load is not a function of permeability and is correctly predicted by both
large-strain analyses. However, this displacement is overpredicted by the small-strain
analysis, indicating that nonlinear geometric effects are important and the small-strain
assumption is not applicable with such a large load magnitude. (The exact solution for this
displacement is very easily calculated.) It is interesting to observe that, if the
permeability is not dependent on the void ratio, the finite-strain results show more rapid
initial consolidation than the corresponding small-strain analysis.
Identical to terzaghi_cpe8p_ss.inp except that rigid surfaces are used to
impose the boundary conditions.
Carter, J.P., J. R. Booker, and J. C. Small, “The
Analysis of Finite Elasto-Plastic
Consolidation,” International Journal for
Numerical and Analytical Methods in
Geomechanics, vol. 3, pp. 107–129, 1979.
Terzaghi, K., and R. B. Peck, Soil
Mechanics in Engineering
Practice, John Wiley and
Sons, New
York, 2nd, 1948.
Vermeer, P.A., and A. Verruijt, “An
Accuracy Condition for Consolidation by Finite
Elements,” International Journal for
Numerical and Analytical Methods in
Geomechanics, vol. 5, pp. 1–14, 1981.
Figure 1. Terzaghi consolidation problem definition. Figure 2. Solutions at very early times. Figure 3. Pore pressure at various times. Figure 4. Pore pressure and effective stress at elevation 1.905 m (75
in). Figure 5. Degree of consolidation versus time factor. Figure 6. Comparisons of finite- and small-strain solutions to the Terzaghi
consolidation problems.