Underwater shock impinging on a one-dimensional continuum
Problem description
A one–dimensional continuum model is analyzed as described below.
Model description
The Abaqus model (Figure 1) consists of a single C3D8R continuum element constrained to deform in one dimension. The stiffness and density have been chosen so that the structure alone has a natural frequency of 1 Hz. A single acoustic element is coupled to the structural element. The continuum element has unit cross sectional area and a thickness of 10 units. Two cases are analyzed here. In the first case the acoustic element thickness is set to 0.01 units. In the second case the thickness is increased to 0.1 units. The surface of the acoustic element and the structural element are tied together. The fluid density and speed of sound are both set to 1.0. A plane wave pressure pulse is applied to the front face of the continuum element and the back face of the acoustic element using incident wave loading. The back face of the continuum element is held fixed and a plane wave absorbing boundary condition is specified on the front face of the acoustic element via surface impedance. The pressure pulse travels along the x-axis and is a step function in time. The sound source is located at (100, 0, 0) for the plane waves, and the stand-off point is located at (10, 0, 0). The analysis is run for 10 seconds. The response of the front face of the continuum element is one-dimensional and oscillatory. The analysis is performed in both Abaqus/Standard (u1d_std_c3d8r_ac3d8.inp) and Abaqus/Explicit (u1d_xpl_c3d8r_ac3d8r.inp). There is no damping applied in either the structure or the fluid model except from the radiation boundary condition. However, in Abaqus/Explicit bulk viscosity is used to introduce damping. The value of linear bulk viscosity is chosen as 0.02, and the value of quadratic bulk viscosity is chosen as 0.5.
The model data are kept the same for the restart analysis. In the initial run the loading is applied for 2 seconds. During the restart run, the initial conditions for the new dynamic step are read from the restart files. The loading is applied for 2 seconds. A restart analysis is performed for both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.
Results and discussion
The response comparison is based on the velocity of the front face of the structure. History plots of velocity versus time for Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The plots are compared individually to the reference solution. Both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit exactly match the direct integration reference solution.
Input files
- u1d_shock_ref.f
Fortran program used to generate the direct integration numerical solution for the one-dimensional continuum problem. The program uses trapezoidal integration.
- u1d_std_c3d8r_ac3d8.inp
Abaqus/Standard analysis: C3D8R/AC3D8 model with acoustic element of thickness 0.01 units.
- u1d_xpl_c3d8r_ac3d8r.inp
Abaqus/Explicit analysis: C3D8R/AC3D8R model with acoustic element of thickness 0.01 units.
- u1d_std_c3d8r_ac3d8_init.inp
Initial Abaqus/Standard run used for restart analysis.
- u1d_std_c3d8r_ac3d8_restart.inp
Restart analysis.
- u1d_xpl_c3d8r_ac3d8r_init.inp
Initial Abaqus/Explicit run used for restart analysis.
- u1d_xpl_c3d8r_ac3d8r_restart.inp
Restart analysis.
- u1d_std_c3d8r_ac3d8_diffthick.inp
Abaqus/Standard analysis: C3D8R/AC3D8 model with acoustic element of thickness 0.1 units.
- u1d_xpl_c3d8r_ac3d8r_diffthick.inp
Abaqus/Explicit analysis: C3D8R/AC3D8R model with acoustic element of thickness 0.1 units.