Problem description
For the general shell, membrane, and continuum shell elements the model consists of a tapered plate of length 100 and width 20, as shown in Figure 1. The plate is clamped at one end, and the thickness varies linearly across the plate from 3 at the clamped end to 1 at the free end. The model consists of 10 elements along the length and 2 across the width. For the model using continuum shell elements the thickness is defined by the nodal geometry.
For the axisymmetric elements the model consists of a tapered cylinder, with a radius of 1 × 106 and a length of 100, as shown in Figure 2. The cylinder is clamped at one end, and the thickness varies linearly along the length of the cylinder from 3 at the clamped end to 1 at the free end. The radius is chosen to be very large to ensure that the effects of circumferential stresses are negligible. The cylinder is meshed with 10 elements.
A linear elastic material with a Young's modulus of 10 × 109, a Poisson's ratio of 0, and a density of 8000 is used for all the tests. The thicker ends of the plate and cylinder are fully clamped. The shell elements are loaded with a bending moment of 3 per unit length at the thin end of the shell, and the membrane elements are loaded with an in-plane force of 50 per unit length at the thin end of the membrane.