The embedded element technique constrains “embedded” elements to move with “host”
The embedded element technique:
is used to specify an element or a group of elements that lie embedded in a group of host
elements whose response is used to constrain the translational degrees of freedom and pore
pressure degree of freedom of the embedded nodes (that is, nodes of embedded elements);
can be used in geometrically linear or nonlinear analysis;
is not available for host elements with rotational degrees of freedom;
can be used to model a set of rebar-reinforced membrane, shell, or
surface elements that lie embedded in a set of three-dimensional solid
(continuum) elements; a set of truss or beam elements that lie embedded in a
set of solid elements; or a set of solid elements that lie embedded in another
set of solid elements;
will not constrain rotational degrees of freedom of the embedded nodes
when shell or beam elements are embedded in solid elements; and
can be imported from
and vice versa.
The embedded element technique is used to specify that an element or group
of elements is embedded in “host” elements. For example, the embedded element
technique can be used to model rebar reinforcement.
searches for the geometric relationships between nodes of the embedded elements
and the host elements. If a node of an embedded element lies within a host
element, the translational degrees of freedom and pore pressure degree of
freedom at the node are eliminated and the node becomes an “embedded node.” The
translational degrees of freedom and pore pressure degree of freedom of the
embedded node are constrained to the interpolated values of the corresponding
degrees of freedom of the host element. Embedded elements are allowed to have
rotational degrees of freedom, but these rotations are not constrained by the
embedding. Multiple embedded element definitions are allowed.
Available Embedded Element Types
Different element types can be used in the element set containing embedded
elements and the element set containing the host elements. However, all the
host elements can have only translational degrees of freedom and pore pressure
degree of freedom. The number of translational degrees of freedom at a node on
the embedded element must be identical to the number of translational degrees
of freedom at a node on the host element. If elements of type
FP2D2, FP3D2, FPC2D2, and FPC3D2 with only
pore pressure degree of freedom are embedded in a host element that has both
translational and pore pressure degrees of freedom, only the common pore
pressure degree of freedom is constrained at the embedded node.
The following general types of “embedded elements-in-host elements” are
Two-dimensional models:
Fluid pipe-in-solid
Axisymmetric models:
Membrane-in-solid (Abaqus/Standard
Surface-in-solid (Abaqus/Standard
Three-dimensional models:
Fluid pipe-in-solid
Specifying the Host Elements
By default, the elements in the vicinity of the embedded elements are searched for elements that
contain embedded nodes; the embedded nodes are then constrained by the response of these
host elements. To preclude certain elements from constraining the embedded nodes, you can
define a host element set; the search will be limited to this subset of the host elements in
the model. This feature is strongly recommended if the embedded nodes are close to
discontinuities in the model (such as cracks and contact pairs).
EMBEDDED ELEMENT option must be included in the model definition portion of
the input file. Multiple
EMBEDDED ELEMENT options are allowed.
Specifying the Embedded Elements
You must specify the embedded elements. Individual elements or element sets
can be specified. By default,
issues an error message if it is unsuccessful in fully embedding all of the
specified embedded elements into host elements. Optionally, you can allow
partial embedding in which only those nodes of embedded elements within host
elements will be constrained.
An embedded element may share some nodes with host elements. These nodes,
however, will not be considered to be embedded nodes.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to fully embed the elements
Optionally, you can specify the embedded nodes. Individual nodes or node
sets can be specified. By default,
issues an error message if it is unsuccessful in fully embedding all of the
specified embedded nodes into host elements.
A geometric tolerance is used to define how far an embedded node can lie
outside the regions of the host elements in the model. By default, embedded
nodes must lie within a distance calculated by multiplying the average size of
all non-embedded elements in the model by 0.05; however, you can change this
You can define the geometric tolerance as a fraction of the average size of
all non-embedded elements in the model. Alternatively, you can define the
geometric tolerance as an absolute distance in the length units chosen for the
model. If you specify both exterior tolerances,
uses the tighter tolerance of the two. The average size of all the non-embedded
elements is calculated and multiplied by the fractional exterior, which is then
compared to the absolute exterior tolerance to determine the tighter tolerance
of the two. The exterior tolerance for embedded elements in host elements is
indicated by the shaded region in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. The exterior tolerance for embedded elements.
If an embedded node is located inside the specified tolerance zone, the node
is constrained to the host elements. The position of this node will be adjusted
to move the node precisely onto the host elements. If an embedded node is
located outside the specified tolerance zone, an error message will be issued.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define the tolerance as a
If an embedded node lies close to an element edge or an element face within
a host element, it is computationally efficient to make a small adjustment to
the position of the embedded node so that the node will lie precisely on the
edge or face of the host element. A small tolerance, below which the weight
factors of the nodes on a host element associated with an embedded node will be
zeroed out, is defined. The small weight factors will be redistributed to the
other nodes on the host element in proportion to their initial weights, and the
position of the embedded node will be adjusted based on the new weight factors.
This adjustment is performed only at the start of the analysis and does not
create any strain in the model. It is most useful for making small adjustments
to make the embedded nodes lie on the edge or face of a host element. If a
large nondefault value of the roundoff tolerance is used to make significant
adjustments to the positions of the embedded nodes, you should carefully review
the mesh obtained after adjusting.
If an embedded node is also tied by multi-point, equation, kinematic
coupling, surface-based tie, or rigid body constraints, an overconstraint is
introduced and an error message will be issued. If a boundary condition is
applied to an embedded node, the embedded element definition always takes
precedence. The boundary condition will be neglected, and a warning message
will be issued.
Defining Surfaces on Embedded Elements
The faces of the embedded elements are not considered part of the
all-inclusive surface defined automatically for interactions modeled with
general contact, regardless of whether the elements are specified as fully or
partially embedded. In addition, any surface definitions based on these
elements must have the face identifier specified explicitly (see
Element-Based Surface Definition).
The following limitations exist for the embedded element technique:
Elements with rotational degrees of freedom (except axisymmetric
elements with twist) cannot be used as host elements.
Rotational, temperature, acoustic pressure, and electrical potential
degrees of freedom at an embedded node are not constrained.
Host elements cannot be embedded themselves.
The material defined for the host element is not replaced by the
material defined for the embedded element at the same location of the
integration point.
Additional mass and stiffness due to the embedded elements are added to
the model.
If modified tetrahedron elements are used as host elements, only the
corner nodes are used to constrain the appropriate embedded nodes.
Consider the example in
Figure 2.
Elements 3 (truss) and 4 (membrane) lie embedded in elements 1 and 2. Element 1
is formed by nodes a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h; element 2 is formed by nodes e,
f, g, h, i, j, k, and l; element 3 is formed by nodes A and B; and element 4 is
formed by nodes C, D, E, and F. If the host element set includes elements 1 and
2 and the embedded element sets contain elements 3 and 4, respectively,
will attempt to find if there are any embedded nodes (A, B, C, D, E, and F)
lying within host elements 1 or 2. If node A is found to be lying close to the
a-b-f-e face of element 1, all the degrees of freedom at node A are constrained
to nodes a, b, f, and e, with appropriate weight factors being determined based
on the geometric location of node A in element 1. Similarly, if node B is found
to be lying inside element 1 and node E is found to be lying close to the g–k
edge of element 2, respectively, all the degrees of freedom at node B are
constrained to nodes a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h, and all the degrees of freedom
at node E are constrained to nodes g and k, with appropriate weight factors
being determined based on the geometric location of node B in element 1 and the
geometric location of node E on the g–k edge of element 2, respectively.
Figure 2. Elements lie embedded in host elements.
You should make sure that all the nodes on the desired embedded elements are
properly constrained to nodes on the host elements. This can be verified by
performing a data check analysis (see
Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit Execution).
For each embedded node a list of nodes that are used to constrain this node and
the associated weight factors are output to the data file during the data check
analysis. An error message is issued if an embedded node is not constrained and
full embedment is used.
NODEData line to define the nodal coordinatesELEMENT, TYPE=C3D8, ELSET=SOLID3D
Data line to define the solid elementsELEMENT, TYPE=T3D2, ELSET=TRUSS
Data line to define the truss elementsELEMENT, TYPE=M3D4, ELSET=MEMB
Data line to define the membrane elementsEMBEDDED ELEMENT, EXTERIOR TOLERANCE=tolerance, HOST ELSET=SOLID3D
STEPSTATIC(or any other allowable procedure)Data line to define step time and control incrementation