Connector Functions for Coupled Behavior

This section describes how to define two special functions used to specify complex coupled behavior for a connector element in Abaqus: derived components and potentials.

Connector derived components are user-specified component definitions based on a function of intrinsic (1 through 6) connector components of relative motion. They can be used:

  • to specify the friction-generating normal force in connectors as a complex combination of connector forces and moments, and

  • as an intermediate result in a connector potential function.

Connector potentials are user-defined functions of intrinsic components of relative motion or derived components. These functions can be quadratic, elliptical, or maximum norms. They can be used to define:

  • the yield function for connector coupled plasticity when several available components of relative motion are involved simultaneously,

  • the potential function for coupled user-defined friction when the slip direction is not aligned with an available component of relative motion,

  • a magnitude measure as a coupled function of connector forces or motions used to detect the initiation of damage in the connector, and

  • an effective motion measure as a coupled function of connector motions to drive damage evolution in the connector.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Connectors
Connector Friction Behavior
Connector Plastic Behavior
Connector Damage Behavior
In Other Guides

Products Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit