Connection type SLIPRING provides a connection between two nodes that models material flow and stretching between two points of a belt system. It can be used to model seat belts (see Seat belt analysis of a simplified crash dummy), pulley systems, and taut cable systems. The angle between two adjacent belt segments is used only for friction calculations. By default, the angle, α, is computed automatically from the nodal coordinates as an angle between 0 and π. Alternatively, you can specify the angle between two adjacent belt segments (in radians) as part of the connector section definition. You can use this option to specify wrapping angles larger than π.

This connection type activates the material flow degree of freedom (10) at both nodes of the connector. As with any other nodal degree of freedom, you must be careful in constraining it. This is typically done by attaching the connector to other SLIPRING connectors that are part of the belt system, attaching it to a RETRACTOR (FLOW-CONVERTER) connector, or applying a boundary condition.

SLIPRING connections cannot be used in two-dimensional and axisymmetric analyses in Abaqus/Explicit.

This page discusses:

See Also
Connector Elements
Connector Element Library
In Other Guides



Figure 1. Connection type SLIPRING.

The SLIPRING connection does not constrain any component of relative motion. Hence, there is no restriction on the position of the connector nodes.

The distance between nodes is


The belt material can flow and stretch between nodes a and b. Flow can occur with no stretching (such as in a rigid belt), stretching can occur with no flow (such as when the flow is constrained at both nodes of the connector), or both flow and stretching can occur simultaneously (such as in compliant belts). By convention, the material flow at node a is positive if it enters segment ab and is positive at node b if it exits the segment. A reference length can be defined in incremental fashion as


where lnewref is the reference length at the end of the current increment, loldref is the reference length at the beginning of the current increment, ΔΨa is the incremental flow at node a, and ΔΨb is the incremental flow at node b. The stretch in the belt can then be defined as


and the “strain” in the belt can be computed as


At the beginning of the analysis, the reference length at t=0 is


where dp is the initial stretch of the belt. By default, the initial stretch is dp=1.0 meaning that there are no initial strains in the belt. You can specify initial strains in the belt, u1|t=0, by specifying a connector constitutive reference. The initial stretch is then computed using


The second available component of relative motion is simply the material flow past node b,


The third component of relative motion is the material flow into node a and is used only for output:


The kinetic force is

fslipring=f1lnewrefq,    where    q=1xb-xa(xb-xa).


At most two SLIPRING connectors can share a common node. The following limitations apply with respect to the kinetic behavior that can be defined in the SLIPRING connection type:

  • Only predefined friction can be defined in the second component of relative motion as outlined below.

  • In Abaqus/Explicit plasticity, damage and lock connector behavior cannot be specified.

  • The connectivities of the two adjacent SLIPRING connector elements sharing a common node b (Figure 1) should be in the typical order ab and bc. In addition, any two adjacent SLIPRING connector elements must refer to the same connector behavior except for the friction data.


Predefined Coulomb-like friction in the SLIPRING connection relates the tension in the belt segment ab (kinetic force f1 in component 1) to the tension in the adjacent belt segment bc. In the simpler case of frictionless sliding, the two tensions are equal (apart from inertial effects due to the motion of the belt in dynamic analyses). If frictional effects are included as material flows past node b, the two tensions differ by the total friction force (CSF2) over the contact arch between the belt and the ring (angle α).

The Coulomb-like frictional effect is a well-known analytical result. In the case when frictional sliding occurs in the direction illustrated in Figure 1, the tensions in the two segments, fab=f1 and fbc, are related as follows:


where μ is the friction coefficient. The friction force is simply the difference


More formally, the frictional relationship is modeled by considering the potential function


Frictional stick occurs if Φ<0; and sliding occurs if Φ=0, in which case the tension force fab = fbce-μα. Friction forces do not develop if the kinetic force f1 is compressive. When sliding occurs in the opposite direction, the sign of the exponent in the potential equation changes.

The friction force is reported as f2 in this connection type. The friction-generating “contact force” is reported as CNF2=f1.

In Abaqus/Explicit, by default, the distance between the two nodes of the SLIPRING is not allowed to become less then one hundredth of the original distance between the nodes, which prevents the SLIPRING from collapsing to zero length during the analysis. The two nodes of the SLIPRING can move apart after coming to the minimum distance configuration during the analysis. In addition, the belt can continue to slip over the nodes while they are stopped at the minimum distance configuration. This default value of the minimum distance can be overridden by specifying a lower limit of the connector stop in component 1 of the SLIPRING.


Some of the connector output variables have a somewhat different meaning for this connection type than usual, as follows:

  • CP1 is the current distance between the nodes;

  • CP2 is the material flow at node b;

  • CP3 is the material flow at node a; and

  • CU1 is the strain (dimensionless) in the segment ab.


Basic, assembled, or complex: Complex
Kinematic constraints: None
Constraint force output: None
Available components: u1,u2,u3
Kinetic force output: f1,f2
Orientation at a: Ignored
Orientation at b: Ignored
Connector stops: None
Constitutive reference lengths: dp-1
Predefined friction parameters: None
Contact force for predefined friction: f1