Brake squeal analysis

This example illustrates the use of the complex eigenvalue extraction procedure in a brake squeal analysis.

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See Also
In Other Guides
Complex Eigenvalue Extraction


Disc brakes operate by pressing a set of brake pads against a rotating disc. The friction between the pads and the disc causes deceleration, but it may also induce a dynamic instability of the system, known as brake squeal. One possible explanation for the brake squeal phenomenon is the coupling of two neighboring modes. Two modes, which are close to each other in the frequency range and have similar characteristics, may merge as the friction contribution increases. When these modes merge at the same frequency (become coupled), one of them becomes unstable. The unstable mode can be identified during complex eigenvalue extraction because the real part of the eigenvalue corresponding to an unstable mode is positive. The brake system design can be stabilized by changing the geometry or material properties of the brake components to decouple the modes.

The purpose of this analysis is to identify the unstable modes (if they exist) in a particular disc brake system.