Disc brakes operate by pressing a set of composite material brake pads
against a rotating steel disc: the frictional forces cause deceleration. The
dissipation of the frictional heat generated is critical for effective braking
performance. Temperature changes of the brake cause axial and radial
deformation; and this change in shape, in turn, affects the contact between the
pads and the disc. Thus, the system should be analyzed as a fully coupled
thermomechanical system.
In this section two thermally coupled disc brake analysis examples are
discussed. The first example is an axisymmetric model in which the brake pads
and the frictional heat generated by braking are “smeared” out over all 360° of
the model. This problem is solved using only
The heat generation is supplied by user subroutine
FRIC, and the analysis models a linear decrease in velocity as
a result of braking.
The second example is a three-dimensional model of the entire disc with pads
touching only part of the circumference. The disc is rotated so that the heat
is generated by friction. This problem is solved using both
It is also possible to perform uncoupled analysis of a brake system. The
heat fluxes can be calculated and applied to a thermal model; then the
resulting temperatures can be applied to a stress analysis. However, since the
thermal and stress analyses are uncoupled, this approach does not account for
the effect of the thermal deformation on the contact which, in turn, affects
the heat generation.
Another type of geometrical model for a disc brake is used by Gonska and
Kolbinger (1993). They model a “vented” disc brake (Figure 1)
and take advantage of radial repetition by modeling a pie-slice segment (Figure 2).
Like the axisymmetric model, this requires the effect of the pads to be
smeared, but it allows the modeling of radial cooling ducts while still
reducing the model size relative to a full model.
Geometry and model
Both models analyzed in this example have solid discs, which allows the
models to use coarser meshes than would be required to model the detail of a
typical disc brake that has complicated geometrical features such as cooling
ducts and bolt holes. The first example further simplifies the model by
considering the pads to be “smeared” around the entire 360° so that the system
is axisymmetric. The second example is a full three-dimensional model of the
entire annular disc with pads touching only part of the circumference. However,
the geometry of the disc has been simplified by making it symmetrical about a
plane normal to the axis. Therefore, only half of the disc and one brake pad is
modeled, and symmetry boundary conditions are applied.
The dimensions of the axisymmetric model are taken from a typical car disc
brake. The disc has a thicker friction ring connected to a conical section
that, in turn, connects to an inner hub. The inner radius of the friction ring
is 100.0 mm, the outer radius is 135.0 mm, and it is 10.0 mm thick. The conical
section is 32.5 mm deep and 5.0 mm thick. The hub has an inner radius of 60.0
mm, an outer radius of 80.0 mm, and is 5.0 mm thick. The pads are 20.0 mm thick
and initially cover the entire friction ring surface.
Two analyses of the axisymmetric model are performed in which the pads and
disc are modeled using fully integrated and reduced-integration linear
axisymmetric elements. Reduced integration is attractive because it decreases
the analysis cost and, at the same time, provides more accurate stress
predictions. Frictional contact between the pads and the disc is modeled by
contact pairs between surfaces defined on the element faces in the contact
region. Small sliding is assumed. The mesh is shown in
Figure 3,
with the pads drawn in a darker gray than the disc. There are six elements
through the thickness of the friction ring and four elements through the
thickness of each of the pads. The mesh is somewhat coarse but is optimized by
using thinner elements near the surfaces of the disc and pads where contact
occurs for better resolution of the thermal gradients in these areas.
The disc for the three-dimensional model has an outer radius of 135.0 mm, an
inner radius of 90.0 mm, and a thickness of 10.0 mm (the half-model has a
thickness of 5.0 mm). The ring has a thinner section out to a radius of 100.0
mm, which has a thickness of 6.0 mm (the half-model has a thickness of 3.0 mm).
The pad is 10.0 mm thick and covers a little less than one-tenth the
circumference. The pad does not quite reach to the edge of the thicker part of
the friction ring.
The pad and disc of the three-dimensional model are modeled with C3D8T elements in
and with C3D8RT elements in
the contact and friction between the pad and the disc are modeled by contact
pairs between surfaces defined on the element faces in the contact region. The
same mesh is used in both
It is shown in
Figure 4,
with the pad drawn in a darker gray than the disc. The disc is a simple annulus
with a thinner inner ring. This mesh is also rather coarse with only three
elements through the thickness of the disc and three elements through the pad.
The elements on the contact sides are thinner since they will be in the areas
of higher thermal gradients. There are 36 elements in the circumferential
direction of the disc.
Material properties
The thermomechanical properties for the axisymmetric model were taken from a
paper by Day and Newcomb (1984) describing the analysis of an annular disc
brake. The pad is made of a resin-bonded composite friction material, and the
disc is made of steel. Although Day and Newcomb note that material changes
occur in the pad material because of thermal degradation, the pad in the
axisymmetric model has the properties of the unused pad material. For the
axisymmetric model the modulus, density, conductivity, and coefficient of
friction are divided by 18 since the pads actually cover only a 20° section of
the disc, even though they are modeled as being smeared around the entire
The pad for the three-dimensional model is also a resin-bonded composite
friction material whose thermomechanical properties are listed in
Table 1
and coefficient of friction is listed in
Table 2.
The properties were taken from a paper by Day (1984). It is noted that above
certain temperatures, approximately 400°C, the pad material becomes thermally
degraded and
is assumed constant from this point on.
It is assumed that all the frictional energy is dissipated as heat and
distributed equally between the disc and the pad; therefore, the fraction of
dissipated energy caused by friction that is converted to heat is set to 1.0,
and the default distribution is used. This fractional value allows the user to
specify an unequal distribution, which is particularly important if the heat
conduction across the interface is poor. In this example the conductivity value
specified with the gap conductance is quite high; hence, the results are not
very sensitive to changes in distribution. In
arbitrarily high gap conductivity values may cause the stable time increment
associated with the thermal part of the problem to control the time
incrementation, possibly resulting in a very inefficient analysis. In this
problem the gap conductivity value used in the
simulation is 20 times smaller than the one used in the
simulation. This allows the stable time increment associated with the
mechanical part of the problem to control the time incrementation, thus
permitting a more efficient solution while hardly affecting the results.
The pads of the axisymmetric model are first pressed against the disc. The
magnitude of the load is divided by 18 since the pads are not actually
axisymmetric. The frictional forces are then applied through user subroutine
FRIC to simulate a linear decrease in velocity of the disc
relative to the pads. The braking is done over three steps; then, when the
velocity is zero, a final step shows the continued heat conduction through the
The pad of the three-dimensional model is fixed in the nonaxial degrees of
freedom and is pressed against the disc with a distributed load applied to the
back of the pad. In
the disc is then rotated by 60° using an applied boundary condition to the
center ring. In
this boundary condition is prescribed using smooth step data to minimize the
effects of centrifugal forces at the beginning and end of the step. Frictional
forces between the surfaces generate heat in the brake.
The initial temperature of both models is 20°C.
Solution controls (Abaqus/Standard
Since the three-dimensional model has a small loaded area and, thus, rather
localized forces and heat fluxes, the default averaged flux values for the
convergence criteria produce very tight tolerances and cause more iteration
than is necessary for an accurate solution. To decrease the computational time
required for the analysis, the solution controls override the automatic
calculation of the average forces and heat fluxes. Solution controls are first
used to set parameters for the displacement field and warping degrees of
freedom equilibrium equations. The convergence criterion ratio is set to 1%,
and the time-average and average fluxes are set to a typical nodal force
(displacement flux):
where p is the pressure and A is
the area of a typical pad element. Solution controls are next used to set
parameters for the temperature field equilibrium equations. The convergence
criterion ratio is set to 1%, and the time-average and average fluxes are set
to the nodal heat flux (temperature flux) for a typical pad element. The heat
flux density generated by an interface element due to frictional heat
generation is ,
is the gap heat generation factor,
is the frictional stress, and v is the velocity.
Therefore, the nodal heat flux is
where A is the contact area of a typical pad element,
is the friction coefficient, and p is the contact
pressure. The angular velocity, ,
is obtained as the total rotation, ,
divided by the total time, 0.015 sec. The radius, r, is
set to 0.120 m, which is the distance from the axis to a point approximately in
the middle of the pad surface. This yields
Additional solution controls can reduce the solver cost for an increment by
improving the initial solution guess, solving thermal and mechanical equations
separately, and reducing the wavefront of three-dimensional finite-sliding
contact analysis. These features are discussed below. The impact of combining
these features is also discussed.
When the default convergence controls are used, it is possible to obtain
faster convergence with a parabolic extrapolation step. For the
three-dimensional model the use of this feature yields a 14% enhancement in
computational speed per increment.
The coupling between the thermal and mechanical fields in this problem is
relatively weak. It is, therefore, possible to obtain a more efficient solution
by specifying separate solutions for the thermal and mechanical equations each
increment. This technique results in faster per-iteration solution times at the
expense of poorer convergence when a strong interfield coupling is present. Use
of this technique also permits the use of the symmetric solver and storage
scheme. The resulting symmetric approximation of the mechanical equations was
also found to be cost effective for this problem, when combined with a quality
initial solution guess obtained by specifying parabolic extrapolation in the
step. Neither of these approximations impacts solution accuracy. For the
three-dimensional model the use of the separated solution scheme, parabolic
extrapolation, and symmetric matrix storage yields a 50% decrease in the total
solution time.
In the three-dimensional model the deformable main surface is defined from a large number of
connecting elements resulting in a large wavefront. By default, Abaqus/Standard employs an automated contact patch algorithm to reduce the wavefront and solution time.
For instance, in the coupled thermomechanical analysis a substantial savings in solution
time (a 30% to 50% decrease) is obtained when the automatic contact patch algorithm is
employed compared to an analysis that uses a fixed contact patch encompassing the entire
main surface. The reduction in solution time is system dependent and depends on several
factors, such as CPU type, system memory, and
IO speed. This solution time savings is in addition to
any of the other savings discussed in this section. The additional savings is, therefore,
realized when the separated solution scheme and parabolic extrapolation are also specified.
Results and discussion
The temperature distribution of the axisymmetric model at an early time
increment is shown in
Figure 5.
The temperature is greatest at the interfaces between the disc and pads, and
the heat has just started to conduct into the disc.
Figure 6
shows the temperature distribution at the end of the analysis when the velocity
is zero. The heat has conducted through the friction ring of the disc.
Figure 7
is a displaced plot of the model at the end of the analysis and shows the
characteristic conical deformation due to thermal expansion. The displacement
has been magnified by a factor of 128 to show the deformation more clearly.
The temperature distribution of the disc surface of the three-dimensional
model after a rotation of 60° is shown in
Figure 8
Figure 9
The agreement between the two results is excellent. The hottest region is the
area under the pad, while the heat in the regions that the pad has passed over
has dissipated somewhat.
Figure 10
shows the temperature distribution of the inside of the brake pad predicted by
Figure 11
shows the same result obtained with
Again excellent agreement between the two results is noted.
Figure 12
shows the temperature distribution in the disc predicted by
with the thickness magnified by a factor of 20. The heat has conducted into the
disc in the regions that the pad has passed over.
The stresses predicted by
do not account for the effects of centrifugal loads (fully coupled
thermal-stress is a quasi-static procedure), while the stresses predicted by
do. These effects can be significant, especially during the early transient
portion of the simulation when the initially stationary disc is brought up to
speed. To compare the stress results between
we gradually initiated and ended the disc rotation in the
simulation; thus, in
the centrifugal stresses at the beginning and end of the step are small
compared with the thermal stresses. At points in between, however, the effects
of centrifugal loading are more pronounced and differences between the stress
states predicted by
are observed. The overall effect on the thermal response, however, is
analysis did not include mass scaling because its presence would artificially
scale the stresses due to the centrifugal loads. It is possible to include mass
scaling to make the analysis more economical, but any results obtained with
mass scaling must be interpreted carefully in this problem.
Three-dimensional model with the second step run with
STEP, EXTRAPOLATION=PARABOLIC. It is assumed that several revolutions occurred and the
initial temperature for the disc brake and pad is 300°C.
Day, A.
J., “An
Analysis of Speed, Temperature, and Performance Characteristics of Automotive
Drum Brakes,” Journal of
Tribology, vol. 110, pp. 295–305, 1988.
Day, A.
J., and T.
J. Newcomb, “The
Dissipation of Frictional Energy from the Interface of an Annular Disc
Brake,” Proc. Instn. Mech.
Engrs, vol. 198D, no. 11, pp. 201–209, 1984.
Gonska, H.
W., and H.
J. Kolbinger, “Abaqus
Application Example: Temperature and Deformation Calculation of Passenger Car
Brake Disks,” Abaqus
Users' Conference
Proceedings, 1993.
Table 1. Thermomechanical properties.
Temperature of property measurement (°C)
Young's modulus, E
Poisson's ratio,
Thermal expansion coefficient
10 × 10−6
30 × 10−6
Thermal conductivity,
Specific heat,
Table 2. Brake lining temperature characteristic.
Temperature of property measurement (°C)
Friction coefficient,
Figure 1. A vented brake disc design. Figure 2. Modeling a segment of a brake disc. Figure 3. Mesh for the axisymmetric model,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 4. Mesh for the three-dimensional model. Figure 5. Isotherms of the axisymmetric model at 0.675,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 6. Isotherms of the axisymmetric model when braking has ended,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 7. Deformation of the axisymmetric disc, displacement magnified by 128,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 8. Isotherms of the disc surface,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 9. Isotherms of the disc surface,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 10. Isotherms of the inside of the brake pad,
Abaqus/Standard. Figure 11. Isotherms of the inside of the brake pad,
Abaqus/Explicit. Figure 12. Isotherms of the disc with the thickness magnified 20 times,