Geometry, model properties, and design parameters
The bushing consists of inner and outer steel tubes that are bonded to a central rubber cylinder (Figure 1). It is assumed that the outer perimeter of the bushing is fully fixed. The bushing is 457.2 mm (18.0 in) long, with an outside diameter of 508.0 mm (20.0 in) and an inside diameter of 228.6 mm (9.0 in). The steel is elastic with Young's modulus = 206.0 GPa (3.0 × 107 psi) and Poisson's ratio = 0.3. The rubber is modeled as a fully incompressible hyperelastic material that at all strain levels is relatively soft compared to the steel. The nonlinear elastic behavior of the rubber is described by a strain energy function that is a second-order polynomial in the strain invariants.
The model is discretized with standard axisymmetric elements since the axial loading results in pure axisymmetric deformation. CAX4 elements are used for the steel components, and CAX4H elements are used for the rubber component. Rigid elements (element type RAX2) are attached to the inside of the bushing in both models to represent the relatively stiff shaft. The use of these elements also simplifies the application of the loading conditions. The axisymmetric finite element mesh is shown in Figure 1. An axial force of magnitude 10675.0 N (2400.0 lbs) is applied to the rigid body reference node, while the outer steel tube is fully fixed.
Two design parameters are considered for the design sensitivity analysis: the thickness, t, and the fillet radius, r, of the rubber bushing at the top and bottom ends where it is bonded to the inner steel tube, which is shown in Figure 1. These parameters represent typical geometry properties that may be considered during design evaluation.