Assigning Surface Properties for General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit
Surface property assignments:
can be used to change the contact thickness used for regions of a
surface based on structural elements or to add a contact thickness for regions
of a surface based on solid elements;
can be used to specify surface offsets for regions of a surface based
on shell, membrane, rigid, and surface elements;
can be used to specify which edges of a model should be included in
the general contact domain;
can be used to specify geometric corrections for regions of a surface;
can be used to assign a coordinate system for local tangent directions
to the surface and/or specify preferential frictional directions to the surface
in the context of anisotropic friction;
can be used to assign surface-based friction coefficients, such that
friction coefficients for interactions can be approximated from surface-based
friction coefficients; and
can be applied selectively to particular regions within a general
contact domain.
You can assign nondefault surface properties to surfaces involved in general
contact interactions. These properties are considered only when the surfaces
are involved in general contact interactions; they are not considered when the
surfaces are involved in other interactions such as contact pairs. The general
contact algorithm does not consider surface properties specified as part of the
surface definition. The regions with nondefault surface properties are
identified with surface names or material names. For example, surface property
SurfProp_A can assign a nondefault surface thickness
to surface
Surf_1 or to the surface whose underlying elements
have a section assignment with material
Rubber. Material names cannot be used to assign
geometric corrections.
Surface property assignments propagate through all analysis steps in which
the general contact interaction is active.
The surface names used to specify the regions with nondefault surface
properties do not have to correspond to the surface names used to specify the
general contact domain. In many cases the contact interaction will be defined
for a large domain, while nondefault surface properties will be assigned to a
subset of this domain. Any surface property assignments for regions that fall
outside the general contact domain will be ignored. The last assignment will
take precedence if the specified regions overlap.
This option must be used in conjunction with the
CONTACT option. It should appear at most once per step for each
value of the PROPERTY parameter discussed below; the data line can be repeated as
often as necessary to assign surface properties to different
Surface Thickness
The default calculation of the nodal surface thickness (described in detail
below) is appropriate for most analyses; one exception is sheet forming
analysis, in which the thinning of a sheet significantly influences contact.
This case can be modeled by specifying that the decreasing parent element
thickness should be used. As a third alternative, you can specify a value for
the surface thickness. A nonzero thickness can be assigned to solid element
surfaces, for example, to model the effect of a finite-thickness surface
Element-Based Surface Definition
contains information on the spatial variation of the surface thickness.
Specifying the original or decreasing thickness results in a zero thickness
for node-based surfaces; you can specify a nonzero thickness for a node-based
surface used with the general contact algorithm (the contact pair algorithm
will not consider a nonzero thickness for such surfaces).
The general contact algorithm requires that the contact thickness does not
exceed a certain fraction of the surface facet edge lengths or diagonal
lengths. This fraction generally varies from 20% to 60% based on the geometry
of the element. The general contact algorithm will scale back the contact
thickness automatically where necessary without affecting the thickness used in
the element computations for the underlying elements. Diagnostic information is
provided in the status (.sta) file if such scaling is
To bypass this limitation on thickness, the contact surface can be modeled
with surface elements (see
Surface Elements).
The surface elements must be attached to the underlying elements using a
surface-based tie constraint (see
Mesh Tie Constraints),
and a physically reasonable mass must be associated with the surface elements.
This requires a significant fraction of the mass to be transferred to the
surface elements from the underlying elements without appreciably altering the
bulk mass properties. Alternatively, contact controls settings can be used to
limit the thickness reduction checks (see
Contact Controls for General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit).
The “bull-nose” effect that occurs at shell perimeters with the contact pair
algorithm (see
Assigning Surface Properties for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit) is
avoided with the general contact algorithm by default. Shell element edges,
nodes, and facets reflect the shell thickness in the normal direction only and
do not extend past the perimeter. Contact controls settings can be used to turn
off the bull-nose prevention checks (see
Contact Controls for General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit).
Using the Original Parent Element Thickness
By default, the nodal thickness for surfaces based on shell, membrane, or rigid elements equals
the minimum original thickness of the surrounding elements (see Figure 1 and Table 1). If a node is shared by shell and beam elements, the contact thickness that takes
precedence is the one derived from the shell element. To account for thick beams that are
colocated with shell edges, the beam elements must be attached to the shell edges using a
tie constraint (see Mesh Tie Constraints).
Figure 1. Continuous variation of surface thickness across facet
Table 1. Thicknesses corresponding to figure showing continuous
Specified element thickness
Nodal surface thickness (minimum of
adjacent element thicknesses)
The surface thickness within a facet is interpolated from the nodal values;
the interpolated surface thickness never extends past the specified element or
nodal thickness, which may be significant with respect to initial overclosures.
The default nodal surface thickness is zero for regions of a surface based on
solid elements. If a spatially varying nodal thickness is defined for the
underlying elements (see
Nodal Thicknesses),
the nodal surface thickness may not correspond exactly to the specified nodal
thickness (see node 4 in
Figure 2
Table 2).
Figure 2. Small discrepancy between the nodal surface thickness and the
specified nodal thickness.
Table 2. Thicknesses corresponding to figure showing small discrepancies.
Specified nodal thickness
Element thickness (average of
specified nodal thickness)
Nodal surface thickness (minimum of
adjacent element thicknesses)
The nodal surface thickness distribution will tend to be more diffuse than
the specified nodal thickness distribution (because the specified nodal
thicknesses are averaged to compute the element thicknesses, and the minimum of
the surrounding element thicknesses is the nodal surface thickness).
Input File Usage
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
fourth entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Using the Decreasing Parent Element Thickness
If you specify that the decreasing parent element thickness should be used,
only decreases in the parent element thickness are reflected in the contact
surface thickness; if the parent element thickness actually increases during
the analysis, the contact thickness will remain constant.
Input File Usage
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
fourth entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying a Value for the Surface Thickness
You can directly specify the surface thickness value.
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
fourth entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Applying a Scale Factor to the Surface Thickness
You can apply a scale factor to any value of the surface thickness. For
example, if you specify that the decreasing parent element thickness should be
used for surf1 and apply a scale factor of 0.5,
a value of one half the decreasing parent element thickness will be used for
surf1 when it is involved in a general contact
interaction (all other surfaces included in the general contact domain will use
the default original parent element thickness). Scaling the surface thickness
in this way can be used to avoid initial overclosures in some situations.
will automatically adjust surface positions to resolve initial overclosures
Contact Initialization for General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit).
However, if nodal position adjustments are undesirable (for example, if they
would introduce an imperfection in an otherwise flat part, resulting in an
unrealistic buckling mode), you may prefer to reduce the surface thickness and
avoid the overclosures entirely.
Input File Usage
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=THICKNESSsurface or material, value or label, scale_factor, SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
fourth entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Surface Offset
A surface offset is the distance between the midplane of a thin body and its
reference plane (defined by the nodal coordinates and element connectivities).
It is computed by multiplying the offset fraction (specified as a fraction of
the surface thickness) by the surface thickness and the element facet normal.
This defines the position of the midsurface and, thus, the position of the body
with respect to the reference surface; the coordinates of the nodes on the
reference surface are not modified. Surface offsets can be specified only for
surfaces defined on shell and similar elements (i.e., membrane, rigid, and
surface elements). Surface offsets specified for other elements (e.g., solid or
beam elements) will be ignored. By default, surface offsets specified in
element section definitions will be used in the general contact algorithm.
The surface offset at each node is the average of the maximum and minimum
offsets among the faces connected to the node. The offset at a point within a
facet is interpolated from the nodal values.
Figure 3
shows some examples of the positioning of the contact surface with respect to
the reference surface for various combinations of surface offsets. Surface
offsets used in the general contact algorithm are constrained to lie between
−0.5 and 0.5 of the thickness.
You specify the surface offset as a fraction of the surface thickness. The
surface offset fraction can be set equal to the offset fraction used for the
surface's parent elements or to a specified value. Surface offsets specified
for general contact do not change the element integration.
Figure 3. Specifying surface offsets for general contact.
Input File Usage
Use the
following option to use the surface offset fraction from the surface's parent
elements (default):
Use the following option to specify a value for the surface
offset fraction:
The offset can be specified as a value or a label
(SPOS or
SNEG). Specifying
SPOS is equivalent to specifying a value of
0.5; specifying SNEG is equivalent to
specifying a value of −0.5.
The third entry indicates whether the
first entry refers to a surface or material name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Feature Edges
Feature edges of a model are defined on beam and truss elements and edges of faces (perimeter and
otherwise) of solid and structural elements. Feature edges, such as shown in Figure 4, can
participate in edge-to-edge contact in Abaqus/Explicit (see Surfaces Used for General Contact). Figure 4. General contact domain, including edge-to-edge contact.
By default in Abaqus/Explicit:
“Contact edges” of beam and truss elements and perimeter edges of shells and
membranes act as primary feature edges (see Primary and Secondary Feature Edges), as long as the underlying elements remain active.
Feature angle thresholds of 30° for primary feature edges and 20° for secondary
feature edges are applied dynamically throughout a simulation to determine which edges
of solid elements and which non-perimeter edges of shell elements currently act as
primary or secondary feature edges. The feature angle is the angle formed between the
normal directions of the two facets connected to an edge, as discussed further in
The Feature Angle. As an
edge’s feature angle evolves during a simulation, its classification as a primary
feature edge, a secondary feature edge, or not a feature edge may also change. Figure 5 shows a crumpling example in which many feature edges form during a
simulation. Other types of simulations (such as airbag deployment) involve many
feature edges unfolding over the course of a simulation.
Figure 5. Percentage of active edges versus increment number for a paper crumpling example:
original (flat sheet), intermediate, and final configurations.
Input File Usage
By default, Abaqus/Explicit automatically applies evolving feature edge criteria to the entire contact domain,
including all structural and solid elements. This is equivalent to the following
The seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to
a surface or material name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Using a Fixed Set of Active Feature Edges for Contact Based on Original Feature Angles
Optionally, Abaqus/Explicit can establish a fixed set of active feature edges for contact based on original feature
angles. If no feature angle thresholds are specified explicitly, the list of active
feature edges matches the default initially active feature edges for dynamically applied
criteria (30° for primary feature edges and 20° for secondary feature edges), but this
list is not updated during the simulation. This option is not well suited for common
scenarios involving significant deformation during a simulation. However, using a fixed
set of active feature edges can save computational time for simulations involving small
Input File Usage
Use the following option to apply the feature edge criteria only at the beginning of the
simulation such that the list of active feature edges for contact remains
The seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to
a surface or material name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Limiting Feature Edges to Perimeter Edges and Contact Edges of Beams and Trusses
You can limit feature edges for edge-to-edge contact to perimeter edges and contact edges of
beams and trusses. Perimeter edges occur on “physical” perimeters of shell elements and on
“artificial” edges that occur when a subset of exposed facets on a body are included in
the general contact domain. When structural elements share nodes with continuum elements,
the perimeter edges are not activated on the structural elements because the criterion to
designate them as such is no longer satisfied.
Input File Usage
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying Particular Feature Edges to Be Activated
You can choose particular feature edges on surface, structural, and rigid
elements to be activated in domain. A surface containing a list of element
labels and edge identifiers (see “Defining edge-based surfaces” in
Element-Based Surface Definition)
is used to specify the edges to activate.
Input File Usage
The seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to
a surface or material name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying That All Feature Edges Should Be Activated
You can choose to activate all edges each increment in a given surface in the general contact
domain. However, this option degrades performance.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to force all edges to be considered each increment:
The seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to
a surface or material name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying That All Feature Edges Should Be Deactivated
You can choose to deactivate all feature edges (including perimeter edges)
in the general contact domain. This option does not deactivate “contact edges”
associated with beam and truss elements.
Input File Usage
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying a Cutoff Feature Angle
If you specify a cutoff feature angle as the feature edge criteria, perimeter edges and geometric
edges with feature angles greater than or equal to the specified angle are activated in
the general contact domain. By default, the feature angle thresholds are applied
dynamically throughout the simulation. Optionally, you can specify that the feature angle
thresholds are applied only once at the beginning of the analysis. As described
previously, you can activate additional feature edges if required.
Input File Usage
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=FEATURE EDGE CRITERIAsurface or material, feature_angle_value,,,,, SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that encompasses the entire general
contact domain is assumed.
The fifth entry indicates how to apply the feature angle thresholds: CURRENT to
apply them throughout the simulation (default) or ORIGINAL to apply them only once at
the beginning of the analysis.
The seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted, Abaqus assumes that a surface name is used.
Example: Assigning Different Feature Edge Criteria to Different Regions
You can assign a different feature edge criteria to different regions of the general contact
domain. For example, Table 3shows the
input that could be used to specify that none of the feature edges of
surf1, only perimeter edges of
surf2, and perimeter edges and feature edges of
surf3 with a feature angle greater than 30° should be
considered for edge-to-edge contact.
To reduce computational cost in certain situations, it may be desirable to specify two feature
angle criteria for a given surface. Edges satisfying the more restrictive criteria are
considered primary feature edges, and edges satisfying the less restrictive criteria only
are considered secondary feature edges. If primary and secondary feature edge criteria are
in effect, Abaqus/Explicit enforces edge-to-edge contact between primary feature edges and between primary feature
edges and secondary feature edges only. Edge-to-edge contact is not enforced between
secondary feature edges. This ensures that interpenetrations are avoided at locations
where there are “true” edges in the model, without the need to activate primary feature
edges at locations where the gradients in the surface normals are only moderate. A
judicious choice of criteria for selecting primary and secondary feature edges can lead to
significant savings in computational costs.
Secondary feature edges can be selected for a surface by specifying a
secondary feature edge criterion in addition to the criterion used to select
the primary feature edges for that surface. If the secondary feature edge
criterion is omitted, only primary feature edges are activated for the surface.
Allowable criteria for secondary feature edges are:
all edges that have not been selected as primary feature edges;
all picked edges that have not been selected as primary feature edges;
all perimeter edges that have not been selected as primary feature
edges; and
all edges with a feature angle greater than a specified cutoff angle
value that have not been selected as primary feature edges.
The allowable values for the secondary feature edge criterion permit
possible combinations of criteria for primary feature edges and secondary
feature edges, shown in
Table 4.
Table 4. Valid combinations of primary feature edge and secondary feature edge
Primary Feature Edge Criterion
Secondary Feature Edge Criterion
No feature edges
All remaining edges, picked edges, perimeter edges, cutoff angle
All edges
Any criterion specified for secondary feature edges will be
Picked edges
All remaining edges, perimeter edges, cutoff angle
Perimeter edges
All remaining edges, picked edges, cutoff angle
Cutoff angle
All remaining edges, picked edges, perimeter edges, cutoff angle
Specifying All Remaining Edges as Secondary Feature Edges
You can specify that all edges belonging to the surface that have not been
selected as primary feature edges become secondary feature edges.
Input File Usage
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying Picked Edges as Secondary Feature Edges
You can specify that all picked edges of the surface that have not already
been selected as primary feature edges become secondary feature edges.
Input File Usage
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=FEATURE EDGE CRITERIAsurface or material, primary feature edge criterion, PICKED EDGES,,,, SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying Perimeter Edges as Secondary Feature Edges
You can specify that all perimeter edges of the surface that have not
already been selected as primary feature edges become secondary feature edges.
Input File Usage
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying a Cutoff Feature Angle for Secondary Feature Edges
You can specify that edges on the surface with a feature angle greater
than the specified value that have not been selected as primary feature edges
become secondary feature edges. If an angle value has also been specified for
primary feature edges, the angle value specified for secondary feature edges
must be smaller than the value specified for primary edges.
Input File Usage
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=FEATURE EDGE CRITERIAsurface or material, primary feature edge criterion, feature_angle_value,,,, SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Specifying That Edges Are Activated Only as Secondary Feature Edges
For a particular surface you may not want to activate any primary feature
edges; instead, you might want to activate all or some edges on the surface as
secondary feature edges (to enforce contact between these secondary feature
edges and primary feature edges on another surface in the model). In that case
you can specify that no feature edges should be activated as the primary
feature edge criterion for the surface, while using any criterion of choice for
the secondary feature edges.
Input File Usage
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=FEATURE EDGE CRITERIAsurface or material, NO FEATURE EDGES, secondary feature edge criterion,,,, SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
If the first entry is omitted, a default surface that
encompasses the entire general contact domain is assumed.
seventh entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
The Feature Angle
The feature angle is the angle formed between the normals of the two facets connected to
an edge. By default, the angles between facets are based on the initial configuration.
However, the most efficient approach for accurately resolving contact is often to apply
the feature edge criteria to the current configuration. In this case the edges that are
eligible for edge-to-edge contact evolve during the simulation.
A negative angle will result at concave meetings of facets; therefore, these edges are
not included in the contact domain if the feature edge criteria is based on a cutoff
feature angle. Figure 6 shows
some examples of how the feature angle is calculated for different edges.
Figure 6. Calculating the feature angle.
The feature angle for edge A is 90° (the angle between and ); the feature angle for edge B is −25° (the angle between and ). Edge C forms a T-intersection with three facets (shown in two
dimensions in Figure 7); its
feature angles are 0°, −90°, and −90°.
Figure 7. Feature angles for a T-intersection.
Perimeter edges (for example, edge D in Figure 6) can be thought of as a
special type of feature edge where the feature angle is 180°.
The sign of the feature angle is considered when determining whether or not a geometric
feature edge should be activated in the general contact domain. For example, if a cutoff
feature angle of 20° were specified, edge A would be activated as a feature edge in the
contact model (90° > 20°) but edges B and C would not be activated: −25° < 20° and
0° (the maximum feature angle for edge C) < 20°.
Figure 8 illustrates further
how the feature angle is used to determine which geometric feature edges should be
activated in the general contact domain.
Figure 8. Feature edges activated in the general contact domain for a cutoff feature angle of
The table to the right of the figure lists the feature angle values for various edges in
the model. Edges connected to more than two facets, as well as edges connected to two
shell facets, have more than one corresponding feature angle. The largest feature angle at
an edge is compared to the specified cutoff feature angle. For example, if a cutoff
feature angle of 20° were specified, edges A, D, and E would be considered feature edges,
while edges B, C, and F would be ignored for edge-to-edge contact.
The contact output variable CEDGEACTIVE is available to identify throughout the analysis if an edge is
active as a primary edge, active as a secondary edge, or has been deactivated
by the contact domain.
Surface Geometry Correction
By default, contact calculations are based on unsmoothed, faceted
representations of the finite element surfaces in a general contact domain.
Discrepancies between the true surface geometry and the faceted surface
geometry may result in significant noise in the solution. Optional contact
smoothing techniques simulate a more realistic representation of curved
surfaces in the contact calculations. These techniques allow a discretized
surface with discontinuous surface normals to more closely approximate the
behavior of a smooth surface during an analysis. Improvements to results with
the surface correction include more accurate contact stresses and less solution
noise upon relative sliding between contact surfaces.
Contact smoothing can be specified for surfaces in a general contact domain
using a surface property assignment. A single surface property assignment
specifies all of the surfaces to be smoothed, as well as the appropriate
geometry correction method for each surface. Three geometry correction methods
can be employed:
The circumferential smoothing method is applicable to surfaces
approximating a portion of a surface of revolution.
The spherical smoothing method is applicable to surfaces approximating a
portion of a sphere.
The toroidal smoothing method is applicable to surfaces approximating a
portion of a torus (i.e., a circular arc revolved about an axis).
For each surface, you must specify the appropriate geometry correction
method and either the approximate axis of revolution (for circumferential or
toroidal smoothing) or the approximate spherical center (for spherical
smoothing). For toroidal smoothing, you must also specify the distance of the
center of the circular arc from the axis of revolution. The center of the
circular arc is then located such that the line it forms with point
(Xa, Ya, Za) is perpendicular with the axis of
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to apply a geometric correction and define the parameters by specifying
Several examples for data line entries are shown below.
Repeat the data lines as many times as necessary to define the appropriate
geometry corrections for all surfaces in the contact domain.
apply circumferential smoothing to a surface with an axis of symmetry passing
through points (Xa, Ya, Za) and
(Xb, Yb, Zb):
surface, CIRCUMFERENTIAL, Xa, Ya, Za, Xb, Yb, Zb
To apply spherical smoothing to a surface with a spherical
center at point (Xa, Ya, Za):
surface, SPHERICAL, Xa, Ya, Za
To apply toroidal smoothing to a surface with an axis of
symmetry passing through points (Xa, Ya, Za)
and (Xb, Yb, Zb) with the center of the
revolved circular arc at a distance R from the axis of
surface, TOROIDAL, Xa, Ya, Za, Xb, Yb, Zb, R
Use the following option to apply a geometric correction and
define the parameters by specifying nodes:
Several examples for data line entries are shown below.
Repeat the data lines as many times as necessary to define the appropriate
geometry corrections for all surfaces in the contact domain.
apply circumferential smoothing to a surface with an axis of symmetry passing
through nodes a and b:
surface, CIRCUMFERENTIAL, node a, node b
To apply spherical smoothing to a surface with a spherical
center at node a:
surface, SPHERICAL, node a
To apply toroidal smoothing to a surface with an axis of
symmetry passing through nodes a and b with the center of the revolved circular
arc at a distance R from the axis of symmetry:
surface, TOROIDAL, node a, node b, R
Considerations for Geometric Correction
The contact smoothing technique assumes that the initial locations of the
surface nodes lie on the true initial surface geometry, with the exception of
midedge nodes of C3D10M elements. This smoothing technique remains effective even if the
midedge nodes of C3D10M elements do not lie on the true initial geometry.
The effects of contact smoothing tend to be most significant for analyses
involving small deformation, and the smoothing technique works well for cases
involving large relative motion between the surfaces. For analyses with large
deformation this smoothing technique typically has an insignificant effect on
the solution. However, in some cases—especially where the underlying elements
can fail—the smoothing can degrade the solution accuracy after large
Effects of Geometric Correction
The impact of contact surface smoothing can be demonstrated by a simple model of contact between
concentric cylinders with a small clearance between them. With a matched mesh as shown in
Figure 9 there are no initial overclosures; therefore, there are no initial strain-free initial
displacement adjustments. However, if the inner cylinder is rotated, the cylinders develop
stresses (see Figure 10) as contact is detected due to the linear faceted representation of the main surface.
This behavior is improved when the circumferential smoothing technique is applied to the
contacting surfaces of the two cylinders.
Figure 9. Concentric cylinders with matched mesh. Figure 10. Stresses as cylinder rotates.
Surface-Based Friction Coefficients
you can establish friction coefficients as mathematical combinations of
coefficients specified as surface properties (see
Deriving Friction Coefficients from Quantities Specified as Surface Properties).
For contact between surfaces with identical surface-based coefficients, the
function to compute the friction coefficient for an interface returns the same
coefficient; otherwise, this function returns a coefficient between the two
surface-based coefficients and closer to the lower of the surface-based
coefficients. See
Deriving Friction Coefficients from Quantities Specified as Surface Properties
for more details about this capability, including user control of the function
for computing interaction friction coefficients for surface-based friction
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to assign surface-based friction coefficients:
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=FRICTIONsurface or material, friction_coefficient, SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
The third entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a
surface or material name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
For surface regions, you can specify
the initial orientation of local
tangent directions and/or
the degree of frictional
directional preference for the local
tangent directions in the context of an anisotropic friction model.
For each surface region, you can refer to a named orientation system and, if
desired, an extra rotation (in degrees) applied to the orientation system once
it has been projected to the surface. If no orientations are specified or an
analytical rigid surface is used,
initializes the contact directions using the standard convention (see
The specified local coordinate system is associated with a surface; whereas,
the local tangent directions discussed in
Local Tangent Directions for Contact
are associated with contact constraints. The local coordinate system for
contact is inherited from one of the surfaces, as discussed in
Local Tangent Directions for Contact.
A preferred frictional direction for a surface in conjunction with
anisotropic friction behavior can be specified using a frictional directional
preference factor
(default) or a frictional directional preference ratio r
Anisotropic Friction with Directional Preference as a Surface Property).
Input File Usage
Use the following
option to define a preferred contact orientation:
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=ORIENTATIONsurface or material, orientation_system, extra_rotation_angle,, SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
The fifth entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a
surface or material name. If omitted,
assumes that a surface name is used.
Use the following option to
define the frictional directional preference factor :
Preferred Fraction of Frictional Work Directed to a Surface as a Surface Property
In Abaqus/Explicit you can specify the preferred fraction of frictional work of an interaction directed to a
surface as a surface property. The default fraction is 0.5, which directs half of the
friction work of an interaction to each surface. If the preferred fractions of the surfaces
in an interaction do not sum to unity, a normalization process occurs in the context of the
interaction such that the actual frictional work distribution fractions for that interaction
sum to unity. This normalization process is described by the following equations:
Frictional work distribution factors influence the nodal frictional work output
but have no influence on the distribution of heat associated with friction to the respective
interacting surfaces, which can be influenced with pre-existing gap heat generation controls
(Modeling Heat Generated by Nonthermal Surface Interactions).
Input File Usage
Use the following option to assign surface-based friction work distributions:
SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT, PROPERTY=DISTRIBUTION FACTORsurface or material, preferred fraction (between 0.0 and 1.0), SURFACE (default) or MATERIAL
The third entry indicates whether the first entry refers to a surface or material
name. If omitted, Abaqus assumes that a surface name is used.