ProductsAbaqus/StandardAbaqus/Explicit TypeModel data LevelModel Optional parameters
Data lines to define fully anisotropic elasticity directly (TYPE=ANISOTROPIC)
Data lines to define bilamina elasticity (TYPE=BILAMINA)
Data lines to define coupled traction separation behavior for cohesive elements (TYPE=COUPLED TRACTION)
Data lines to define orthotropic elasticity with moduli (TYPE=ENGINEERING CONSTANTS)
Data lines to define isotropic elasticity (TYPE=ISOTROPIC)
Data lines to define orthotropic elasticity in plane stress (TYPE=LAMINA)
Data lines to define orthotropic elasticity directly (TYPE=ORTHOTROPIC)
Data lines to define isotropic elastic shear behavior (TYPE=SHEAR)
Data lines to define orthotropic shear behavior for 1-DOF warping elements or uncoupled traction behavior for cohesive elements (TYPE=TRACTION)
Data line to define spatially varying elastic behavior for solid continuum elements in an Abaqus/Standard analysis using a distribution. (Distributions are supported for TYPE=ISOTROPIC, TYPE=ENGINEERING CONSTANTS, TYPE=LAMINA, TYPE=ORTHOTROPIC, and TYPE=ANISOTROPIC)