Substructure generation analysis.

This option is used to indicate that the step is analyzed as a substructure generation step.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Generating Substructures


TypeHistory data

LevelThis option is not supported in a model defined in terms of an assembly of part instances.

Optional parameters


Set this parameter equal to YES (default) if the substructure eigenproblem needs to be solved during substructure generation in Abaqus. Substructure eigenvectors can be used to define substructure modal damping for a given substructure.

Set this parameter equal to NO if the eigensolution is not required.


If element output recovery is needed, including all element nodes in the selective recovery node set generally is insufficient since an element can have Abaqus internal nodes.

Set this parameter equal to the name of the element set that contains all the elements in the regions of the substructure where you want to recover results.


Set FRICTION DAMPING=NO (default) to ignore friction-induced viscous damping effects.

Set FRICTION DAMPING=YES to include friction-induced viscous damping effects.


Set GRAVITY LOAD=YES to calculate the substructure's gravity load vectors. The default is GRAVITY LOAD=NO.


Set this parameter equal to the prefix in the generated substructure name. The prefix and the identifier (specified using the TYPE parameter) constitute a substructure name that must be unique. The default prefix is jobname.

The LIBRARY and NAME parameters are mutually exclusive. Using the NAME parameter is the preferred method.


Set MASS MATRIX=YES to calculate the substructure's reduced mass matrix. The default is MASS MATRIX=NO.


Set MODEL DATA=ODB (default) to generate the substructure model data file, which contains the finite element model data required for visualization of results recovered within the substructure.

Set MODEL DATA=NONE to suppress generation of the substructure model data file.


Set this parameter equal to the substructure name for which the substructure data are written. See Input Syntax Rules for the syntax of such names. The default substructure name is jobname_Zn, where n is the current step number of the job.

The NAME parameter and the LIBRARY and TYPE parameters are mutually exclusive. Using the NAME parameter is the preferred method.


Set this parameter equal to the name of the node set that contains the nodes of the substructure where you want to recover results. This node set must contain all nodes for which node output can be requested in a substructure usage analysis.

If the NSET parameter is omitted but the ELSET parameter is used, the recovery matrix corresponding to all the element nodes in the specified element set is generated. If both the NSET and ELSET parameters are used, the recovery matrix for the union of the node set and the set of all the element nodes for all the elements in the element set is generated. If both the NSET and ELSET parameters are omitted, the recovery matrix for all eliminated nodes is generated (default case).


Include this parameter to overwrite existing files in the substructure database with the same name. The default is no overwrite.


Set this parameter equal to the frequency at which to evaluate frequency-dependent properties for viscoelasticity, springs, and dashpots during the substructure generation. If this parameter is omitted, Abaqus/Standard evaluates the stiffness associated with frequency-dependent springs and dashpots at zero frequency and does not consider the stiffness contributions from frequency-domain viscoelasticity in the SUBSTRUCTURE GENERATE step.


Set RECOVERY MATRIX=NO to specify that output of element or nodal information is not available within this substructure. The default is RECOVERY MATRIX=YES, indicating that recovery of eliminated variables is possible for most analysis procedures.

If RECOVERY MATRIX=NO, the NSET and ELSET parameters are ignored.


For acoustic-structural substructures, this parameter is valid only for substructures generated using coupled modes.

If this parameter is omitted, a symmetric instance of the substructure's reduced stiffness matrix is generated when Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric solver for the current analysis step. An unsymmetric instance of the substructure's reduced stiffness matrix is generated when Abaqus/Standard uses the unsymmetric solver for the current analysis step. For more information, see Matrix Storage and Solution Scheme in Abaqus/Standard.

Set STIFFNESS MATRIX=SYMMETRIC to generate a symmetric instance of the reduced stiffness matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver.

Set STIFFNESS MATRIX=UNSYMMETRIC to generate an unsymmetric instance of the reduced stiffness matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver.

Set STIFFNESS MATRIX=BOTH to generate both a symmetric and an unsymmetric instance of the reduced stiffness matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver.


Set STRUCTURAL DAMPING MATRIX=YES to calculate the substructure's reduced structural damping matrix. A symmetric instance of the reduced structural damping matrix is generated when Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric solver. An unsymmetric instance of the reduced structural damping matrix is generated when Abaqus/Standard uses the unsymmetric solver. For more information, see Matrix Storage and Solution Scheme in Abaqus/Standard.


Set STRUCTURAL DAMPING MATRIX=SYMMETRIC to generate a symmetric instance of the reduced structural damping matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver. For acoustic-structural substructures, this parameter value is valid only for substructures generated using coupled modes.

Set STRUCTURAL DAMPING MATRIX=UNSYMMETRIC to generate an unsymmetric instance of the reduced structural damping matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver. For acoustic-structural substructures, this parameter value is valid only for substructures generated using coupled modes.

Set STRUCTURAL DAMPING MATRIX=BOTH to generate both a symmetric and an unsymmetric instance of the reduced structural damping matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver. For acoustic-structural substructures, this parameter value is valid only for substructures generated using coupled modes.


Set this parameter equal to the identifier in the generated substructure name. The identifier and the prefix (specified using the LIBRARY parameter) constitute a substructure name that must be unique. The identifier must be Z followed by a number that cannot exceed 9999. The default identifier is Zn, where n is the current step number of the job.

The TYPE and NAME parameters are mutually exclusive. Using the NAME parameter is the preferred method.


Set VISCOUS DAMPING MATRIX=YES to calculate the substructure's reduced viscous damping matrix. A symmetric instance of the reduced viscous damping matrix is generated when Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric solver. An unsymmetric instance of the reduced viscous damping matrix is generated when Abaqus/Standard uses the unsymmetric solver. For more information, see Matrix Storage and Solution Scheme in Abaqus/Standard.


Set VISCOUS DAMPING MATRIX=SYMMETRIC to generate a symmetric instance of the reduced viscous damping matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver. For acoustic-structural substructures, this parameter value is valid only for substructures generated using coupled modes.

Set VISCOUS DAMPING MATRIX=UNSYMMETRIC to generate an unsymmetric instance of the reduced viscous damping matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver. For acoustic-structural substructures, this parameter value is valid only for substructures generated using coupled modes.

Set VISCOUS DAMPING MATRIX=BOTH to generate both a symmetric and an unsymmetric instance of the reduced viscous damping matrix regardless of whether Abaqus/Standard uses the symmetric or unsymmetric solver. For acoustic-structural substructures, this parameter value is valid only for substructures generated using coupled modes.

There are no data lines associated with this option.