Translate, rotate, and/or reflect substructures.

This option is used to define properties for a substructure. It is required for all substructures in a model.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Using Substructures
Generating Frequency-Based Substructures


TypeModel data

LevelThis option is not supported in a model defined in terms of an assembly of part instances.

Required parameters


Set this parameter equal to the name of the element set containing the substructures for which properties are being defined.

Optional parameters


This parameter is relevant to frequency-based substructures. Frequency-based substructures are used only in a direct steady-state dynamic analysis (see Direct-Solution Steady-State Dynamic Analysis). All other analyses use conventional substructures regardless of the availability of frequency-based substructures.

Set FREQUENCY BASED=ALL FREQUENCIES to use the frequency-based substructure at all frequency points of interest. If the frequency-based substructure is not available at a certain frequency, an operator-averaging-based approximate solution is given at that frequency. If a frequency of interest is beyond the range of frequencies at which the frequency-based substructure is constructed at generation, Abaqus issues an error.

Set FREQUENCY BASED=NO FREQUENCIES to disable the use of the frequency-based substructure at any frequency. The conventional substructure is used instead at all frequencies.

Set FREQUENCY BASED=MATCHED FREQUENCIES (default) to use the frequency-based substructure only at frequencies at which the frequency-based substructure is constructed at generation. At all nonmatching frequencies, the conventional substructure is used.


Set this parameter equal to the tolerance on the distance between usage level nodes and the corresponding substructure nodes. If this parameter is omitted, the default is a tolerance of 10−4 times the largest overall dimension within the substructure. If the parameter is given with a value of 0.0, the position of the retained nodes is not checked.

Data line to translate a substructure

First (and only) line
  1. Value of the translation to be applied in the global X-direction.

  2. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Y-direction.

  3. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Z-direction.

Data lines to translate and/or rotate a substructure

First line
  1. Value of the translation to be applied in the global X-direction.

  2. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Y-direction.

  3. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Z-direction.

Enter values of zero to apply a pure rotation.

Second line
  1. Global X-coordinate of point a on the axis of rotation (see Figure 1).

  2. Global Y-coordinate of point a on the axis of rotation.

  3. Global Z-coordinate of point a on the axis of rotation.

  4. Global X-coordinate of point b on the axis of rotation.

  5. Global Y-coordinate of point b on the axis of rotation.

  6. Global Z-coordinate of point b on the axis of rotation.

  7. Angle of rotation about the axis ab, in degrees.

Data lines to translate and/or reflect a substructure

First line
  1. Value of the translation to be applied in the global X-direction.

  2. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Y-direction.

  3. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Z-direction.

Enter values of zero to apply a pure reflection.

Second line
  1. Enter a blank line.

Third line
  1. Global X-coordinate of point a in the plane of reflection (see Figure 2).

  2. Global Y-coordinate of point a in the plane of reflection.

  3. Global Z-coordinate of point a in the plane of reflection.

  4. Global X-coordinate of point b in the plane of reflection.

  5. Global Y-coordinate of point b in the plane of reflection.

  6. Global Z-coordinate of point b in the plane of reflection.

Fourth line
  1. Global X-coordinate of point c in the plane of reflection.

  2. Global Y-coordinate of point c in the plane of reflection.

  3. Global Z-coordinate of point c in the plane of reflection.

Data lines to translate, rotate, and reflect a substructure

First line
  1. Value of the translation to be applied in the global X-direction.

  2. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Y-direction.

  3. Value of the translation to be applied in the global Z-direction.

Second line
  1. Global X-coordinate of point a on the axis of rotation (see Figure 1).

  2. Global Y-coordinate of point a on the axis of rotation.

  3. Global Z-coordinate of point a on the axis of rotation.

  4. Global X-coordinate of point b on the axis of rotation.

  5. Global Y-coordinate of point b on the axis of rotation.

  6. Global Z-coordinate of point b on the axis of rotation.

  7. Angle of rotation about the axis ab, in degrees.

Third line
  1. Global X-coordinate of point a in the plane of reflection (see Figure 2).

  2. Global Y-coordinate of point a in the plane of reflection.

  3. Global Z-coordinate of point a in the plane of reflection.

  4. Global X-coordinate of point b in the plane of reflection.

  5. Global Y-coordinate of point b in the plane of reflection.

  6. Global Z-coordinate of point b in the plane of reflection.

Fourth line
  1. Global X-coordinate of point c in the plane of reflection.

  2. Global Y-coordinate of point c in the plane of reflection.

  3. Global Z-coordinate of point c in the plane of reflection.

Figure 1. Substructure rotation.

Figure 2. Substructure reflection. Points a, b, and c cannot be colinear.