can be used in a purely acoustic analysis or in a coupled
acoustic-structural analysis such as the calculation of shock waves in a fluid
or noise levels in a vibration problem;
is an elastic medium (usually a fluid) in which stress is purely
hydrostatic (no shear stress) and pressure is proportional to volumetric
is specified as part of a material definition;
must appear in conjunction with a density definition (see
can include fluid cavitation in
when the absolute pressure drops to a limit value;
can be defined as a function of temperature and/or field variables;
can include dissipative effects;
can model small pressure changes (small amplitude excitation);
can model waves in the presence of steady underlying flow of the
medium; and
The equilibrium equation for small motions of a compressible, inviscid fluid
flowing through a resisting matrix material is taken to be
where p is the dynamic pressure in the fluid (the
pressure in excess of any initial static pressure), is the spatial
position of the fluid particle,
is the fluid particle velocity,
is the fluid particle acceleration,
is the density of the fluid, and
is the “volumetric drag” (force per unit volume per velocity) caused by the
fluid flowing through the matrix material. The d'Alembert term has been written
without convection on the assumption that there is no steady flow of the fluid,
which is usually considered to be sufficiently accurate for steady fluid
velocities up to Mach 0.1.
The constitutive behavior of the fluid is assumed to be inviscid and
compressible, so that the bulk modulus of an acoustic medium relates the
dynamic pressure in the medium to the volumetric strain by
is the volumetric strain. Both the bulk modulus
and the density
of an acoustic medium must be defined.
The bulk modulus
can be defined as a function of temperature and field variables but does not
vary in value during an implicit dynamic analysis using the subspace projection
method (Implicit Dynamic Analysis Using Direct Integration)
or a direct-solution steady-state dynamic analysis (Direct-Solution Steady-State Dynamic Analysis);
for these procedures the value of the bulk modulus at the beginning of the step
is used.
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options to define an acoustic
Dissipation of energy (and attenuation of acoustic waves) may occur in an
acoustic medium due to a variety of factors. Such dissipation effects are
phenomenologically characterized in the frequency domain by the imaginary part
of the propagation constant, which gives an exponential decay in amplitude as a
function of distance. In
the simplest way to model this effect is through a “volumetric drag
(force per unit volume per velocity).
In frequency-domain procedures,
may be frequency dependent.
can be entered as a function of frequency—,
where f is the frequency in cycles per time (usually
Hz)—in addition to temperature and/or field variables only when the acoustic
medium is used in a steady-state dynamics procedure. If the acoustic medium is
used in a direct-integration dynamic procedure (including
the volumetric drag coefficient is assumed to be independent of frequency and
the first value entered for the current temperature and/or field variable is
In all procedures except direct steady-state dynamics the gradient of
is assumed to be small.
Porous materials are commonly used to suppress acoustic waves; this
attenuating effect arises from a number of effects as the acoustic fluid
interacts with the solid matrix. For many categories of materials, the solid
matrix can be approximated as either fully rigid compared to the acoustic fluid
or fully limp. In these cases a mechanical model that resolves only acoustic
waves will suffice. The acoustic behavior of porous materials can be modeled in
a variety of ways in
Craggs Model
The model discussed in
(1978) is readily accommodated in
Applying this model results in the dynamic equilibrium equation for the fluid
expressed in this form:
is the real-valued resistivity, is the real-valued
dimensionless porosity,
is the dimensionless “structure factor,” and
is the dimensionless wave number. This equation can be rewritten as
This model, therefore, can be applied straightforwardly in
by setting the material density equal to , the
volumetric drag equal to , and the
bulk modulus equal to .
The Craggs model is supported for all acoustic procedures in
Delany-Bazley and Delany-Bazley-Miki Models
supports the well-known empirical model proposed in
& Bazley (1970), which determines the material properties as a
function of frequency and user-defined flow resistivity,
density, ;
and bulk modulus, .
A variation on this model, proposed by
(1990) is also available. These models are supported only for
steady-state dynamic procedures.
Both models compute frequency-dependent material characteristic impedance,
and wavenumber or propagation constant, ,
according to the following formula:
The constants are as given in the table below:
Delany- Bazley
The material characteristic impedance and the wavenumber are converted
internally to complex density and complex bulk modulus for use in
The signs of the imaginary parts in these formulae are consistent with the
sign convention for time-harmonic dynamics.
For steady-state dynamic procedures,
supports general frequency-dependent complex bulk modulus and complex density.
Using these parameters, data from a wide range of models can be accommodated in
an analysis; for example, see
et. al (1998),
& Bolton (1999), and
(1993). These models are used in a variety of applications, such as
ocean acoustics, aerospace, automotive, and architectural acoustic engineering.
The signs of these parameters must be consistent with the sign conventions
used in
and with conservation of energy.
uses a Fourier transform pair formally equivalent to assuming
time dependence. Consequently, the real parts of the density and bulk modulus
are positive for all values of frequency, the imaginary part of the bulk
modulus must be positive, and the imaginary part of the density must be
A linear isotropic acoustic material can be fully described with the two
frequency-dependent parameters: bulk modulus, ,
and density, .
It is common, however, to encounter materials defined in terms of other
parameter pairs, such as characteristic impedance, ,
wave number or propagation constant, ,
or speed of sound, .
Data defined with the pair
can be converted into the complex density and bulk modulus form, beginning from
the following standard formulae:
Consistent with the
sign conventions, the real parts of
must be positive; the imaginary part of
must be negative, and the imaginary part of
must be positive. In commonly observed materials, the ratio of the magnitude of
the imaginary part to the real part for each of these constants is usually much
less than one.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to use the general frequency-dependent model:
If desired, either complex material option can be used
instead in conjunction with a real-valued, frequency-independent material
Conversion from Complex Material Impedance and Wavenumber
the real and imaginary parts of
are, respectively:
and the real and imaginary parts of
are, respectively:
Conversion from Complex Impedance and Speed of Sound
the real and imaginary parts of
are, respectively:
and the real and imaginary parts of
are, respectively:
Fluid Cavitation
In general, fluids cannot withstand any significant tensile stress and are
likely to undergo large volume expansion when the absolute pressure is close to
or less than zero.
allows modeling of this phenomenon through a cavitation pressure limit for the
acoustic medium. When the fluid absolute pressure (sum of the dynamic and
initial static pressures) reduces to this limit, the fluid undergoes free
volume expansion (i.e., cavitation), without a further drop in the pressure. If
this limit is not defined, the fluid is assumed not to undergo cavitation even
under a tensile, negative absolute pressure, condition.
The constitutive behavior for an acoustic medium capable of undergoing
cavitation can be stated as
where a pseudo-pressure ,
a measure of the volumetric strain, is defined as
is the fluid cavitation limit and
is the initial acoustic static pressure. A total wave formulation is used for a
nonlinear acoustic medium undergoing cavitation. This formulation is very
similar to the scattered wave formulation except that the pseudo-pressure,
defined as the product of the bulk modulus and the compressive volumetric
strain, plays the role of the material state variable instead of the acoustic
dynamic pressure and the acoustic dynamic pressure is readily available from
this pseudo-pressure subject to the cavitation condition.
In the presence of cavitation in
the fluid mechanical behavior is nonlinear. Hence, for an acoustic problem with
incident wave loading and possible cavitation in the fluid, the scattered wave
formulation, which provides a solution for only a scattered wave dynamic
acoustic pressure, may not be appropriate. For these cases the total wave
formulation, which solves for the total dynamic acoustic pressure, should be
selected. See
Acoustic and Shock Loads
for details.
Cavitation occurs when the absolute pressure reaches the cavitation limit value. Abaqus/Explicit allows for an initial linearly varying hydrostatic pressure in the fluid medium (see
Defining Initial Acoustic Static Pressure). You can specify pressure values at two locations and a node set of the acoustic
medium nodes. Abaqus/Explicit interpolates from these data to initialize the static pressure at all the nodes in the
specified node set. If the pressure at only one location is specified, the hydrostatic
pressure in the fluid is assumed to be uniform. The acoustic static pressure is used only
for determining the cavitation status of the acoustic element nodes and does not apply any
static loads to the acoustic or structural mesh at their common wetted interface.
Acoustic finite elements can be used to simulate time-harmonic wave
propagation and natural frequency analysis in the presence of a steady mean
flow of the medium. For example, air may move at a speed large enough to affect
the propagation speed of waves in the direction of flow and against it. These
effects are modeled in
by specifying an acoustic flow velocity during the linear perturbation analysis
step definition; you do not need to alter the acoustic material properties. See
Acoustic, Shock, and Coupled Acoustic-Structural Analysis
for details.
second-order acoustic elements are more accurate than first-order elements. Use
at least six nodes per wavelength
in the acoustic medium to obtain accurate results.
Nodal output variable POR (pressure magnitude) is available for an acoustic medium in
Abaqus. When the scattered wave formulation is used with
incident wave loading in
output variable POR represents only the scattered pressure response of the model
and does not include the incident wave loading itself. When the total wave
formulation is used, output variable POR represents the total dynamic acoustic pressure, which includes
contributions from both incident and scattered waves as well as the dynamic
effects of fluid cavitation. For either formulation output variable POR does not include the acoustic static pressure, which is used
only to evaluate the cavitation status in the acoustic medium.
In addition, in
nodal output variable PPOR (the pressure phase) is available for an acoustic medium. In
nodal output variable PABS (the absolute pressure, equal to the sum of POR and the acoustic static pressure) is available for an acoustic
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Miki, Y., “Acoustical
Properties of Porous Materials - Modifications of Delany-Bazley
Models,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of
(E), vol. 11, no. 119, 1990.
Song, B.H., , and J. S. Bolton, “A
Transfer-Matrix Approach for Estimating the Characteristic Impedance and
Wavenumbers of Limp and Rigid Porous
Materials,” Journal of the Acoustical Society
America, vol. 107, no. 31131, 1999.
Wilson, D.K., “Relaxation-Matched
Modeling of Propagation through Porous Media, Including Fractal Pore
Structure,” Journal of the Acoustical Society
America, vol. 94, no. 21136, 1993.