Critical State (Clay) Plasticity Model

The clay plasticity model provided in Abaqus:

  • describes the inelastic behavior of the material by a yield function that depends on the three stress invariants, an associated flow assumption to define the plastic strain rate, and a strain hardening theory that changes the size of the yield surface according to the inelastic volumetric strain;

  • can have an isotropic or an anisotropic yield function;

  • requires that the elastic part of the deformation be defined by using the isotropic or orthotropic linear elastic material model (Linear Elastic Behavior) or, in Abaqus/Standard, the porous elastic material model (Elastic Behavior of Porous Materials) within the same material definition (porous elasticity is supported only for isotropic yield functions);

  • allows for the hardening law to be defined by a piecewise linear form or, in Abaqus/Standard, by an exponential form;

  • may optionally include hardening in hydrostatic tension; and

  • can be used in conjunction with a regularization scheme for mitigating mesh dependence in situations where the material exhibits strain localization with increasing plastic deformation.

This page discusses:

See Also
About the Material Library
Inelastic Behavior
In Other Guides
Critical state models
