Modeling the Cure Process in Thermosetting Polymers

The cure modeling capabilities:

  • are intended to model the curing process in adhesives and other polymer materials;
  • predict the degree of cure, volumetric heat generation, and shrinkage strain due to curing reactions;
  • allow you to specify a maximum value of the degree of cure;
  • are intended for use with existing elastic and viscoelastic behaviors that describe the mechanical response of the material as a function of the degree of cure; and
  • must be used with the fully coupled thermal-stress analysis (see Fully Coupled Thermal-Stress Analysis).

This page discusses:

See Also
Elastic Behavior
Time Domain Viscoelasticity
In Other Guides

Products Abaqus/Standard

Curing processes are essential to the manufacturing of products that use thermosetting polymers (such as epoxy resins) to bond components. The use of epoxies and other cured structural adhesives is common in many industries. As a result of the curing reaction, chemical shrinkage strains and residual stresses develop, which can result in damage to the adherends or warpage of the bonded assembly. The Abaqus cure modeling capability enables you to analyze curing processes, including the reaction kinetics, heat generation, shrinkage strain development, and the evolution of mechanical properties. The model is based on the work of Lindeman et al. (2021) and Li et al. (2004). You can describe the reaction kinetics using either the Kamal equation or a conversion rate table. The mechanical response can include both elastic and viscoelastic effects. You can define the elastic, viscoelastic, and thermal expansion properties of the material as functions of conversion and temperature.

The cure model is available as a special-purpose material modeling capability based on built-in user-defined material options. To activate the capability, the material name must start with "ABQ_CURE_MATERIAL" and the material definition must include a user-defined eigenstrain definition. In addition, you must define the cure modeling coefficients using parameter and property tables with a declared type that starts with "ABQ_Cure" (as described in the following sections). You must allocate at least three solution-dependent state variables.

A dedicated collection of parameter and property tables is available to include all of the definitions required to use the model. You can use the abaqus fetch utility to obtain the file containing the type definitions for the parameter and property tables used by the cure model:

abaqus fetch job=ABQ_Cure_types.inp

Input File Usage

Use the following options to start the definition of the material:

INCLUDE, INPUT=ABQ_Cure_types.inp