The frequency domain viscoelastic material model describes frequency-dependent
material behavior in small steady-state harmonic oscillations for those materials in which
dissipative losses caused by “viscous” (internal damping) effects must be modeled in the
frequency domain.
The frequency domain viscoelastic material model:
assumes that the shear (deviatoric) and volumetric behaviors are
independent in multiaxial stress states;
can be used in conjunction with the elastic-damage gasket behavior
(Defining a Nonlinear Elastic Model with Damage
) to define the effective thickness-direction storage and loss moduli for
gasket elements; and
Consider a shear test at small strain, in which a harmonically varying shear
is applied:
is the amplitude, ,
is the circular frequency, and t is time. We assume that
the specimen has been oscillating for a very long time so that a steady-state
solution is obtained. The solution for the shear stress then has the form
and are the
shear storage and loss moduli. These moduli can be expressed in terms of the
(complex) Fourier transform
of the nondimensional shear relaxation function :
is the time-dependent shear relaxation modulus,
are the real and imaginary parts of ,
and is the
long-term shear modulus. See
Frequency domain viscoelasticity
for details.
The above equation states that the material responds to steady-state
harmonic strain with a stress of magnitude
that is in phase with the strain and a stress of magnitude
that lags the excitation by .
Hence, we can regard the factor
as the complex, frequency-dependent shear modulus of the steadily vibrating
material. The absolute magnitude of the stress response is
and the phase lag of the stress response is
Measurements of and
as functions of frequency in an experiment can, thus, be used to define
and and,
as functions of frequency.
Unless stated otherwise explicitly, all modulus measurements are assumed to
be “true” quantities.
Defining the Volumetric Behavior
In multiaxial stress states
assumes that the frequency dependence of the shear (deviatoric) and volumetric
behaviors are independent. The volumetric behavior is defined by the bulk
storage and loss moduli
and .
Similar to the shear moduli, these moduli can also be expressed in terms of the
(complex) Fourier transform
of the nondimensional bulk relaxation function :
where is the
long-term elastic bulk modulus.
Large-Strain Viscoelasticity
The linearized vibrations can also be associated with an elastomeric
material whose long-term (elastic) response is nonlinear and involves finite
strains (a hyperelastic material). We can retain the simplicity of the
steady-state small-amplitude vibration response analysis in this case by
assuming that the linear expression for the shear stress still governs the
system, except that now the long-term shear modulus can vary
with the amount of static prestrain :
The essential simplification implied by this assumption is that the
frequency-dependent part of the material's response, defined by the Fourier
of the relaxation function, is not affected by the magnitude of the prestrain.
Thus, strain and frequency effects are separated, which is a reasonable
approximation for many materials.
Another implication of the above assumption is that the anisotropy of the
viscoelastic moduli has the same strain dependence as the anisotropy of the
long-term elastic moduli. Hence, the viscoelastic behavior in all deformed
states can be characterized by measuring the (isotropic) viscoelastic moduli in
the undeformed state.
In situations where the above assumptions are not reasonable, the data can be specified based on
measurements at the prestrain level about which the steady-state dynamic response is
desired. In this case you must measure , , and (likewise , , and ) at the prestrain level of interest. Alternatively, the viscoelastic data
can be given directly in terms of uniaxial and volumetric storage and loss moduli that might
be specified as functions of frequency and prestrain (see Direct Specification of Storage and Loss Moduli for Large-Strain Viscoelasticity below.)
The generalization of these concepts to arbitrary three-dimensional
deformations is provided in
by assuming that the frequency-dependent material behavior has two independent
components: one associated with shear (deviatoric) straining and the other
associated with volumetric straining. In the general case of a compressible
material, the model is, therefore, defined for kinematically small
perturbations about a predeformed state as
is the deviatoric stress, ;
is the equivalent pressure stress, ;
is the part of the stress increment caused by incremental straining (as
distinct from the part of the stress increment caused by incremental rotation
of the preexisting stress with respect to the coordinate system);
is the ratio of current to original volume;
is the (small) incremental deviatoric strain, ;
is the deviatoric strain rate, ;
is the (small) incremental volumetric strain, ;
is the rate of volumetric strain, ;
is the deviatoric tangent elasticity matrix of the material in its
predeformed state (for example,
is the tangent shear modulus of the prestrained material);
is the volumetric strain-rate/deviatoric stress-rate tangent elasticity
matrix of the material in its predeformed state; and
is the tangent bulk modulus of the predeformed material.
For a fully incompressible material only the deviatoric terms in the first
constitutive equation above remain and the viscoelastic behavior is completely
defined by .
Determination of Viscoelastic Material Parameters
The dissipative part of the material behavior is defined by giving the real
and imaginary parts of
(for compressible materials) as functions of frequency. The moduli can be
defined as functions of the frequency in one of three ways: by a power law, by
tabular input, or by a Prony series expression for the shear and bulk
relaxation moduli.
Power Law Frequency Dependence
The frequency dependence can be defined by the power law formulæ
where a and b are real constants,
are complex constants, and
is the frequency in cycles per time.
The frequency domain response can alternatively be defined in tabular form
by giving the real and imaginary parts of
and —where
is the circular frequency—as functions of frequency in cycles per time. Given
the frequency-dependent storage and loss moduli ,
and ,
the real and imaginary parts of
are then given as
where and
are the
long-term shear and bulk moduli determined from the elastic or hyperelastic
provides an alternative approach for specifying the viscoelastic properties of
hyperelastic and hyperfoam materials. This approach involves the direct
(tabular) specification of storage and loss moduli from uniaxial and volumetric
tests, as functions of excitation frequency and a measure of the level of
pre-strain. The level of pre-strain refers to the level of elastic deformation
at the base state about which the steady-state harmonic response is desired.
This approach is discussed in
Direct Specification of Storage and Loss Moduli for Large-Strain Viscoelasticity
The frequency dependence can also be obtained from a time domain Prony
series description of the dimensionless shear and bulk relaxation moduli:
where N, ,
and ,
are material constants. Using Fourier transforms, the expression for the
time-dependent shear modulus can be written in the frequency domain as follows:
is the storage modulus,
is the loss modulus,
is the angular frequency, and N is the number of terms in
the Prony series. The expressions for the bulk moduli,
and ,
are written analogously.
will automatically perform the conversion from the time domain to the frequency
domain. The Prony series parameters
can be defined in one of three ways: direct specification of the Prony series
parameters, inclusion of creep test data, or inclusion of relaxation test data.
If creep test data or relaxation test data are specified,
will determine the Prony series parameters in a nonlinear least-squares fit. A
detailed description of the calibration of Prony series terms is provided in
Time Domain Viscoelasticity.
For the test data you can specify the normalized shear and bulk data
separately as functions of time or specify the normalized shear and bulk data
simultaneously. A nonlinear least-squares fit is performed to determine the
Prony series parameters, .
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to specify Prony data, creep
test data, or relaxation test data:
Thermorheologically Simple Temperature Effects in Frequency Domain Viscoelasticity
You can include thermorheologically simple temperature effects in frequency
domain viscoelasticity. In this case the reduced angular frequency,
is used to obtain the frequency-dependent material moduli. The reduced angular
frequency is computed as
where and denote the shift function and temperature, respectively.
Abaqus/Standard supports the following forms of the shift function: the
Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) form, the Arrhenius form, the tabular form, and user-defined
forms (see Thermorheologically Simple Temperature Effects).
Conversion of Frequency-Dependent Elastic Moduli
For some cases of small straining of isotropic viscoelastic materials, the
material data are provided as frequency-dependent uniaxial storage and loss
and ,
and bulk moduli,
and .
In that case the data must be converted to obtain the frequency-dependent shear
storage and loss moduli
and .
The complex shear modulus is obtained as a function of the complex uniaxial
and bulk moduli with the expression
Replacing the complex moduli by the appropriate storage and loss moduli,
this expression transforms into
After some algebra one obtains
Shear Strain Only
In many cases the viscous behavior is associated only with deviatoric
straining, so that the bulk modulus is real and constant:
and .
For this case the expressions for the shear moduli simplify to
Incompressible Materials
If the bulk modulus is very large compared to the shear modulus, the
material can be considered to be incompressible and the expressions simplify
further to
Direct Specification of Storage and Loss Moduli for Large-Strain Viscoelasticity
For large-strain viscoelasticity
allows direct specification of storage and loss moduli from uniaxial and
volumetric tests. This approach can be used when the assumption of the
independence of viscoelastic properties on the pre-strain level is too
You specify the storage and loss moduli directly as tabular functions of
frequency, and you specify the level of pre-strain at the base state about
which the steady-state dynamic response is desired. For uniaxial test data the
measure of pre-strain is the uniaxial nominal strain; for volumetric test data
the measure of pre-strain is the volume ratio.
internally converts the data that you specify to ratios of shear/bulk storage
and loss moduli to the corresponding long-term elastic moduli. Subsequently,
the basic formulation described in
Large-Strain Viscoelasticity
above is used.
For a general three-dimensional stress state it is assumed that the
deviatoric part of the viscoelastic response depends on the level of pre-strain
through the first invariant of the deviatoric left Cauchy-Green strain tensor
Hyperelastic material behavior
for a definition of this quantity), while the volumetric part depends on the
pre-strain through the volume ratio. A consequence of these assumptions is that
for the uniaxial case, data can be specified from a uniaxial-tension preload
state or from a uniaxial-compression preload state but not both.
The storage and loss moduli that you specify are assumed to be nominal
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify only the uniaxial storage
and loss moduli:
Defining the Rate-Independent Part of the Material Behavior
In all cases elastic moduli must be specified to define the rate-independent
part of the material behavior. The elastic behavior is defined by an elastic,
hyperelastic, or hyperfoam material model. Since the frequency domain
viscoelastic material model is developed around the long-term elastic moduli,
the rate-independent elasticity must be defined in terms of long-term elastic
moduli. This implies that the response in any analysis procedure other than a
direct-solution steady-state dynamic analysis (such as a static preloading
analysis) corresponds to the fully relaxed long-term elastic solution.
Material Options
The viscoelastic material model must be combined with the isotropic linear
elasticity model to define classical, linear, small-strain, viscoelastic
behavior. It is combined with the hyperelastic or hyperfoam model to define
large-deformation, nonlinear, viscoelastic behavior. The long-term elastic
properties defined for these models can be temperature dependent.
Viscoelasticity cannot be combined with any of the plasticity models. See
Combining Material Behaviors
for more details.
The frequency domain viscoelastic material model can be used with any
stress/displacement element in