Linear magnetic behavior is defined by direct specification of magnetic
Directional Dependence of Magnetic Permeability
Isotropic, orthotropic, or fully anisotropic magnetic permeability can be
defined. For non-isotropic magnetic permeability a local orientation for the
material directions must be specified (Orientations).
Isotropic Magnetic Permeability
For isotropic magnetic permeability only one value of magnetic
permeability is needed at each temperature and field variable value. Isotropic
magnetic permeability is the default.
Nonlinear magnetic behavior is characterized by magnetic permeability that
depends on the strength of the magnetic field. The nonlinear magnetic material
model in
is suitable for ideally soft magnetic materials without any hysteresis effects
Figure 1)
characterized by a monotonically increasing response in B–H space, where B and
H refer to the strengths of the magnetic flux density vector and the magnetic
field vector, respectively. Nonlinear magnetic behavior is defined through
direct specification of one or more B–H curves that provide B as a function of
H and, optionally, temperature and/or predefined field variables, in one or
more directions. Nonlinear magnetic behavior can be isotropic, orthotropic, or
transversely isotropic (which is a special case of the more general orthotropic
behavior). More than one B–H curve is needed to define the nonlinear magnetic
behavior if it is not isotropic. For each curve, the slope between the last
pair of data points is assumed to be the permeability of the free space.
issues an error message if the slope between any two adjacent data points is
less than 0.01 times the permeability of the free space, as computed based on the
last two data points for that curve.
Directional Dependence of Nonlinear Magnetic Behavior
Isotropic, orthotropic, or transversely isotropic nonlinear magnetic
behavior can be defined. For non-isotropic nonlinear magnetic behavior a local
orientation for the material directions must be specified (Orientations).
Isotropic Nonlinear Magnetic Behavior
For isotropic nonlinear magnetic response only one B–H curve is needed at
each temperature and field variable value. Isotropic magnetic permeability is
the default.
assumes that the nonlinear magnetic behavior is governed by
The B–H curve in any direction (i.e., the nonlinear behavior
in global direction 1, 2, or 3) will suffice as the nonlinear magnetic behavior
is assumed to be the same in all directions.
Orthotropic Nonlinear Magnetic Behavior
For orthotropic nonlinear magnetic response three B–H curves (one curve to
define the behavior in each of the local directions 1, 2, and 3) are needed at
each temperature and field variable value.
assumes that the nonlinear magnetic behavior in the local material directions
is governed by
refers to a diagonal matrix.
Transversely isotropic nonlinear magnetic behavior is a special case of
orthotropic behavior, in which the behavior in any two directions is the same
and is different from that in the third direction.
Input File Usage
You define ,
and ,
respectively, through three independent B–H curves, one in each of the
directions 1, 2, and 3:
Ferromagnetic materials can be magnetized by placing them in a magnetic
field, which is typically created by applying currents in a system of coil
windings surrounding the material being magnetized. These materials can be
classified into soft and hard magnetic materials (see
Figure 1).
Soft magnetic materials lose their magnetization after removal of the applied
currents (see
Nonlinear Magnetic Behavior).
Hard magnetic materials retain their magnetization permanently after removal of
the applied currents. The leftover magnetization in a permanent magnet is
called remanence, denoted by
Figure 2.
This magnetization can be removed by applying currents in the opposite
direction; the strength of the opposing magnetic fields that remove
magnetization entirely is called coercivity, denoted by
Figure 2.
Figure 1. Response of hard and soft magnetic materials. Figure 2. Remanence and coercivity in permanent magnets.
Permanent magnetization in
is suitable for hard magnetic materials when the magnets are operating around
the point of remanence. This behavior captures the response of magnetization or
demagnetization around the point of remanence, as shown by the darker
descending line of the hysteresis loop in
Figure 2.
The underlying magnetic permeability can be linear or nonlinear. In either
case, permanent magnetization is defined by its coercivity such that
for linear isotropic, orthotropic, or anisotropic magnetic behavior and
for nonlinear isotropic -
Input File Usage
To specify permanent magnetization with underlying linear
magnetic permeability:
To specify permanent magnetization with underlying nonlinear
magnetic permeability (nonlinear response of the left top portion of the
hysteresis curve):