If the
following whole model variables are relevant for a particular analysis, you can
request them as output to the data, results, or output database file (see
Total Energy Output
Total Energy Output). If
you do not specify an output region, whole model variables are calculated. When
you specify an output region, the relevant energy totals are calculated over
the user-specified region.
These variables are not available for
eigenvalue buckling prediction, eigenfrequency extraction, or complex frequency
extraction analysis. You cannot specify an output region for modal dynamic,
random response, response spectrum, or steady-state dynamic analysis.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
“Artificial” strain energy associated with constraints used to remove
singular modes (such as hourglass control), and with constraints used to make
the drill rotation follow the in-plane rotation of the shell elements.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Contact constraint discontinuity work.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Contact constraint elastic energy in normal direction due to penalty
constraint enforcement.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Contact constraint elastic energy in tangential direction due to friction
penalty constraint enforcement.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
The sum of ALLCCEN and ALLCCET.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Contact constraint stabilization dissipation in normal direction.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Contact constraint stabilization dissipation in tangential direction.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by creep, swelling, viscoelasticity, and energy associated
with viscous regularization for cohesive elements and cohesive contact.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Electrostatic energy.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Total energy dissipated through frictional effects. (Available only for the
whole model.)
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Total strain energy. (ALLIE = ALLSE + ALLPD + ALLCD + ALLAE + ALLQB + ALLEE + ALLDMD.)
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Electrical energy dissipated due to flow of electrical current.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Kinetic energy. In steady-state dynamic and frequency extraction analyses,
this is the cyclic mean value. In frequency extraction analyses, the value of
kinetic energy is normalized. Normalization is performed for each eigenmode
separately, such that the kinetic and strain energies for the whole model add
up to one.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: no
Kinetic energy amplitude. This variable is available only in mode-based and
direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: no
Kinetic energy peak value. This variable is available only in mode-based
and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Loss of kinetic energy at impact. (Available only for the whole model.)
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by rate-independent and rate-dependent plastic deformation. For superelastic
materials, this variable also includes recoverable phase-transformation energy.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated through quiet boundaries (infinite elements). (Available
only for the whole model.)
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by automatic stabilization. This includes both volumetric
static stabilization and automatic approach of contact pairs (the latter part
included only for the whole model).
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Recoverable strain energy. In steady-state dynamic and frequency extraction
analyses, this is the cyclic mean value. In frequency extraction analyses, the
value of strain energy is normalized. Normalization is performed for each
eigenmode separately, such that the kinetic and strain energies for the whole
model add up to one.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: no
Recoverable strain energy amplitude. This variable is available only in
mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: no
Recoverable strain energy peak value. This variable is available only in
mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by viscous effects including viscous regularization
(except for cohesive elements and cohesive contact), not inclusive of energy
dissipated by automatic stabilization and viscoelasticity. If this variable is
requested for the whole model in mode-based steady-state dynamic analyses, it
includes the energy loss due to the material, global, and modal damping. If
this variable is requested for a part of the model in mode-based steady-state
dynamic analyses, the energy loss due to the modal damping is not included. In
direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses this variable includes the energy
loss due to the material and global damping.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by viscous effects due to the material damping. This
variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state
dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by viscous effects due to the global damping. This
variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state
dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by viscous effects due to the modal damping. This
variable is available only for the whole model in the mode-based steady-state
dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated due to the structural damping. If this variable is
requested for the whole model in mode-based steady-state dynamic analyses, it
includes energy loss due to the material, global, and modal damping. If this
variable is requested for a part of the model in mode-based steady-state
dynamic analyses, energy loss due to the modal damping is not included. In
direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses this variable includes the energy
loss due to the material and global damping.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated due to the material structural damping. This variable is
available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated due to the global structural damping. This variable is
available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated due to the modal structural damping. This variable is
available only for the whole model in mode-based steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Energy dissipated by damage.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
External work. (Available only for the whole model.)
- Field: no History: yes .fil: automatic .dat: automatic
Total energy balance (available only for the whole model). (ETOTAL = ALLKE + ALLIE + ALLVD + ALLSD + ALLKL + ALLFD + ALLJD + ALLCCE − ALLWK − ALLCCDW.)
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Energy flow from a given portion of the model through the given boundary.
This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state
dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Power flow from a given portion of the model through the given boundary.
This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution steady-state
dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Radiated energy from/into a given acoustic cavity through the given
boundary. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution
steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
Radiated power from/into a given acoustic cavity through the given
boundary. This variable is available only in mode-based and direct-solution
steady-state dynamic analyses.
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: automatic
All heat energy due to the nonuniform moving flux prescribed inside user
UMDFLUX. This variable is available only in pure heat transfer
analyses. (Available only for the whole model.)
- Field: no History: yes .fil: no .dat: no
User-defined quantity that can be set only in user subroutines for pure heat
transfer analyses. Its value is set through calls to the utility routine SETALLUSER.