User subroutine to define surface interaction behavior for contact surfaces.

User subroutine UINTER:

  • is called at points on the secondary surface of a contact pair with a user-defined constitutive model defining the interaction between the surfaces;

  • can be used to define the mechanical (normal and shear) and thermal (heat flux) interactions between surfaces;

  • can be used when the normal surface behavior (contact pressure versus overclosure) models (Contact Pressure-Overclosure Relationships) or the extended versions of the classical Coulomb friction model (Frictional Behavior) are too restrictive and a more complex definition of normal and shear transmission between contacting surfaces, including damping properties, are required;

  • must provide the entire definition of the mechanical and the thermal interaction between the contacting surfaces (hence, no additional surface behaviors can be specified in conjunction with this capability);

  • can provide the entire definition of viscous and structural damping for interactions between the contacting surfaces for direct and mode-based steady-state dynamic analysis (including the subspace projection method), transient mode-based analysis, complex eigenvalue extraction, matrix generation, and substructure generation;

  • only accounts for element damping in mode-based procedures if the SIM architecture is used;

  • can use and update solution-dependent state variables; and

  • is not available for contact elements.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
User-Defined Interfacial Constitutive Behavior