Continuity statement for the wetting liquid phase in a porous
This section defines the continuity statement for the liquid
flowing through the mesh in an
porous model.
The medium may be wholly or partially saturated with this
liquid. When the medium is only partially saturated, the remainder of the voids
is filled with another fluid. An example is a geotechnical problem, with soil
containing water and air: continuity is written for the water phase
The wetting liquid can attach to and, thus, be trapped by certain solid
particles in the medium: this volume of trapped liquid attached to solid
particles forms a “gel.”
A porous medium is modeled approximately in
by attaching the finite element mesh to the solid phase. Liquid can flow
through this mesh. A continuity equation is, therefore, required for the
liquid, equating the rate of increase in liquid mass stored at a point to the
rate of mass of liquid flowing into the point within the time increment. This
continuity statement is written in a variational form as a basis for finite
element approximation. The liquid flow is described by introducing Darcy's law
or, alternatively, Forchheimer's law. The continuity equation is satisfied
approximately in the finite element model by using excess wetting liquid
pressure as the nodal variable (degree of freedom 8), interpolated over the
elements. The equation is integrated in time by using the backward Euler
approximation. The total derivative of this integrated variational statement of
continuity with respect to the nodal variables is required for the Newton
iterations used to solve the nonlinear, coupled, equilibrium and continuity
equations. This expression is also derived in this section.
Consider a volume containing a fixed amount of solid matter. In the current
configuration this volume occupies space V with surface
S. In the reference configuration it occupied space
Wetting liquid can flow through this volume: at any time the volume of such
“free” liquid (liquid that can flow if driven by pressure) is written
Wetting liquid can also become trapped in the volume, by absorption into the
gel. The volume of such trapped liquid is written .
The total mass of wetting liquid in the control volume is
is the mass density of the liquid.
The time rate of change of this mass of wetting liquid is
The mass of wetting liquid crossing the surface and entering the volume per
unit time is
is the average velocity of the wetting liquid relative to the solid phase (the
seepage velocity) and
is the outward normal to S.
Equating the addition of liquid mass across the surface
S to the rate of change of liquid mass within the volume
V gives the wetting liquid mass continuity equation
Using the divergence theorem and because the volume is arbitrary, this
provides the pointwise equation
The equivalent weak form is
is an arbitrary, continuous, variational field. This statement can also be
written on the reference volume:
this continuity statement is integrated approximately in time by the backward
Euler formula, giving
which, over the current volume, is
We now drop the subscript
by adopting the convention that any quantity not explicitly associated with a
point in time is taken at .
The divergence theorem allows the equation to be rewritten as
where—for convenience—we have normalized the equation by the density of the
liquid in the reference configuration, .
Since ,
this is the same as
Constitutive behavior
The constitutive behavior for pore fluid flow is governed either by Darcy's
law or by Forchheimer's law. Darcy's law is generally applicable to low fluid
flow velocities, whereas Forchheimer's law is commonly used for situations
involving higher flow velocities. Darcy's law can be thought of as a linearized
version of Forchheimer's law. Darcy's law states that, under uniform
conditions, the volumetric flow rate of the wetting liquid through a unit area
of the medium, ,
is proportional to the negative of the gradient of the piezometric head (Bear,
is the permeability of the medium and
is the piezometric head, defined as
where z is the elevation above some datum and
g is the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration,
which acts in the direction opposite to z. On the other
hand, Forchheimer's law states that the negative of the gradient of the
piezometric head is related to a quadratic function of the volumetric flow rate
of the wetting liquid through a unit area of the medium (Desai,
is a “velocity coefficient” (Tariq,
1987). This nonlinear permeability can be defined to be dependent on the
void ratio of the material. We see that, as the fluid velocity tends to zero,
Forchheimer's law approaches Darcy's law. Also, if ,
the two flow laws are identical.
can be anisotropic and is a function of the saturation and void ratio of the
has units of velocity (length/time). [Some authors refer to
as the hydraulic conductivity (Bear,
1972) and define the permeability as
is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid (the ratio of the fluid's dynamic
viscosity to its density).]
We assume that g is constant in magnitude and
direction, so
is the gravitational acceleration (we assume that
varies slowly with position).
The permeability of a particular fluid in a multiphase flow system depends
on the saturation of the phase being considered and on the porosity of the
medium. We assume these dependencies are separable, so
provides the dependency on saturation, with
is the permeability of the fully saturated medium.
The function
can be defined by the user.
and Durso (1983) observe that, in steady flow through a partially
saturated medium, the permeability varies with .
We, therefore, take
by default.
Introducing the flow constitutive law allows the mass continuity equation
(Equation 1)
to be written
Combining this with
Equation 4
and neglecting all but first-order terms in small quantities, we obtain
Equation 1
and again neglecting second-order terms in small quantities, we obtain
Combining this result with
Equation 4
and again approximating to first-order in small quantities,
measures pressure in the wetting liquid and we neglect the pressure in the
other fluid phase in the medium (see
Effective stress principle for porous media),
the medium is fully saturated for .
Negative values of
represent capillary effects in the medium. For
it is known (see, for example,
and Durso, 1983) that, at a given value of capillary pressure,
the saturation lies within certain limits. Typical forms of these limits are
shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Typical liquid absorption and exsorption behavior.
We write these limits as ,
is the limit at which absorption will occur (so that ),
is the limit at which exsorption will occur, and thus .
We assume that these relationships are uniquely invertible and can, thus, also
be written as
during absorption and
during exsorption. We also assume that some wetting liquid will always be
present in the medium: .
(1972) suggests that the transition between absorption and exsorption
and vice versa takes place along “scanning” curves. We approximate these with a
straight line, as shown in
Figure 1.
Saturation is treated as a state variable that may have to change if the
wetting liquid pressure is outside the range for which its value is admissible
according to that actual data corresponding to
Figure 1.
The evolution of saturation as a state variable is defined as follows. Assume
that the saturation at time t, ,
is known. It must satisfy the constraints
We solve the continuity equation for ,
initially assuming .
We then obtain
by the following rules:
is the slope of the scanning line. These choices are shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Evolution of s in unsaturated cases.
Jacobian contribution
The Jacobian contribution from the continuity equation is obtained from the
variation of
Equation 2
with respect to
at time .
Consider first the surface integral. The surface divides into that part
across which the liquid mass flow rate, ,
is prescribed and that part where the wetting liquid pressure,
is prescribed. Thus, the only contribution of this term to the Jacobian is the
variation in the integral caused by change in surface area in that part where
the mass flow is prescribed. We neglect this contribution.
The remaining part of the variation of
Equation 2
Finally, the Jacobian contribution from the permeability term is rather
complex in the general case of the nonlinear Forchheimer flow law. Although we
include it in the software, here we only write the linearized flow version
reflecting Darcy's law ():
Using these results provides the Jacobian of the continuity equation as