The planar tests and three-dimensional tests consist of a small block
pressed against a larger block that is fixed on the bottom. The smaller block
slides horizontally on the larger block according to the prescribed loading and
displacement history. The axisymmetric tests are essentially the same except
that the sliding structures are rings; the outer ring is shorter axially than
the inner ring. Relative motion in the axisymmetric tests is in the axial
direction for the tests of axisymmetric elements or has axial and
circumferential components for the tests of axisymmetric elements with twist. A
smoothing factor of 0.05 is used on the contact pairs. For the
three-dimensional tests a three-dimensional model with width 1.0 is used. The
width of the bottom block is chosen slightly larger to ensure that the upper
block contacts the lower block.
The mesh in
Figure 1,
used for planar tests, is representative of all meshes used in these tests.
Figure 1. Representative mesh.
Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 30.0 × 106, Poisson's ratio =
0.3, conductivity = 10.0, density = 1000.0, specific heat = 0.001.
Friction coefficient (nonzero only for the frictional heat generation
tests), =0.1.
Gap conductance varies with pressure for the interface conductance tests,
k(p=200) = 5.0,
k(p=100) = 20.0.
Gap conductance (for the frictional heat generation tests), 20.0.
Gap radiation constants (for the interface radiation tests only),
× 10−6, with absolute zero at =−273.16.
Loading history for interface conductance tests (Abaqus/Standard)
Step 1,
A downward pressure of 100 is applied on top of the smaller block, and a
flux of 100 is applied into the smaller block through its surface. The center
element of the large block has a film condition with a film coefficient of 10.0
and sink temperature of 0.0 at the bottom face. This step is used to check the
gap conductivity. Results should be symmetric about an axis that is parallel to
the line joining the centers of the two blocks, and thermal equilibrium must be
The heat conducted away from the larger block via the film condition should
nearly equal the heat conducted through the interface—they need not be exactly
equal because transient effects are included in this step. Input file
illustrates the procedure to specify a time-dependent variation of the film
Step 2,
The top block is made to slide horizontally, back and forth, over the bottom
block to assure that the formulation does not fail under large relative
sliding. The results are consistent with thermal equilibrium. In the tests of
axisymmetric elements with twist, the top block slides with circumferential
motion as well.
Step 3, steady
The top block is in the same configuration as at the end of Step 1 but is
brought to steady state to eliminate transient effects. This allows for a more
exact check on thermal equilibrium of the assembly because the heat conducted
across the interface must equilibrate the heat passed into the assembly by the
applied flux.
Step 4, steady
The pressure is increased on the top surface. This is designed to test
pressure-dependent interface conductivity. The temperature change across the
interface should be four times that at the end of Step 3 because the interface
conductivity is reduced by one-fourth.
Step 5,
The applied flux is ramped down quickly, and the small block is made to slide off the larger
block. This is to test that the interface heat transfer is eliminated when a secondary
node slides off the end of the corresponding main surface. The smaller block becomes
insulated, and the temperature is constant throughout the block.
Loading history for interface radiation tests (Abaqus/Standard)
The loading is the same for these tests as for the interface conductance
tests. These problems are designed to test radiation heat transfer in the
interface. Since the radiative properties are not pressure dependent, the
results for Step 4 are identical to Step 3 in these runs.
Loading history for frictional heat generation tests (Abaqus/Standard)
In this analysis the top (outer) surface of the smaller block is constrained
to remain straight and nonrotating via constraint equations. In this analysis
the Lagrange friction formulation is used. With this formulation all relative
motion is converted into heat. The default friction algorithm uses an automatic
penalty method, allowing small relative motions without dissipation. In these
tests this would cause the generated heat to be underestimated by about 0.7%.
Step 1:
A downward force of 200 is applied to the top surface to establish contact
(an inward force of 275 is applied for the axisymmetric tests). Virtually no
heat generation occurs.
The top block is made to slide back and forth with friction. Assuming
Coulomb friction, a total of 120 units of heat is generated. Of this generated
heat 60 units are absorbed by the contacting bodies because the fraction of
frictional dissipation converted to heat is specified to be 0.5. Results are
consistent with thermal equilibrium. In the tests of axisymmetric elements with
twist, the top block slides with both axial and circumferential components of
motion. The magnitude of the relative motion and the resulting heat generation
is the same as in the remaining tests.
The assembly sits without thermal loading to reach steady state. Because the
assembly is adiabatic, it should attain a constant temperature. Based on the
amount of heat generated and the heat capacity of the material, the final
temperature of the assembly should be 7.5 for the planar case and 0.68 for the
axisymmetric case.
Simulation with
A transient simulation is performed for each step. The simulation time for
those steps where
performs a steady-state analysis is chosen so that enough time is allowed for
solution to reach steady-state conditions. Mass scaling is used to obtain an
efficient solution. The rate at which the top block is forced to slide over the
bottom block is reduced to ensure a quasi-static response; the amount of
relative sliding between the two blocks (and, therefore, the amount of
frictional heat generation, for example) is unaffected by this change. Both
kinematic and penalty mechanical contact are considered.
Results and discussion
The results agree with the analytically obtained values.