- cyclicsym_c3d8r_ee_cload_x.inp
Frequency extraction after a preloading step in which a
CLOAD is applied in the global x-direction.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_ee_cload_y.inp
Frequency extraction after a preloading step in which a
CLOAD is applied in the global y-direction.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_360_cload.inp
Full model corresponding to the application of a
CLOAD before frequency extraction.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_ee_dload.inp
Frequency extraction after a preloading step in which a
DLOAD is applied.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_360_dload.inp
Full model corresponding to the application of a
DLOAD before frequency extraction.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_nn_mpc.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with an
MPC option.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_360_mpc.inp
Full model corresponding to the use of an
MPC option.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_nn_single_node_x.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a single node at one end and the cyclic symmetry
axis parallel to the global x-axis.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_nn_single_node_y.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a single node at one end and the cyclic symmetry
axis parallel to the global y-axis.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_nn_single_node_z.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a single node at one end and the cyclic symmetry
axis parallel to the global z-axis.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_360_single_node.inp
Full model corresponding to the cyclic symmetric model with a single node at
one end.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_nn_trans.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_360_trans.inp
Full model corresponding to the use of a
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_ss.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a preloading step using the
VISCO option, frequency extraction, and steady-state modal-based
dynamic analysis.
- cyclicsym_c3d8r_360_ss.inp
Full model corresponding to the use of a preloading step with the
VISCO option, frequency extraction, and steady-state modal-based
dynamic analysis.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_nn_basis.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a static nonlinear step that forms the basis for
the analysis in cyclicsym_cpe4r_nn_rezone.inp.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_nn_rezone.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a frequency extraction step following the
mapping of the solution from the analysis in cyclicsym_cpe4r_nn_basis.inp.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_360_basis.inp
Full model with a static nonlinear step that forms the basis for the
analysis in cyclicsym_cpe4r_360_rezone.inp.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_360_rezone.inp
Full model with a frequency extraction step following the mapping of the
solution from the analysis in cyclicsym_cpe4r_360_basis.inp.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_nn_multi_step.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with multiple frequency extraction steps.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_nn_restart.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with multiple frequency extraction steps performed as
a restart analysis after the first step in the analysis in
- cyclicsym_cps4r_nn_sub.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with the
SUBMODEL option.
- cyclicsym_cps4r_nn_sub_sb.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with the
- cyclicsym_cps4r_nn_full.inp
Full cyclic symmetric model used in the analysis in
cyclicsym_cps4r_nn_sub.inp and cyclicsym_cps4r_nn_sub_sb.inp.
- cyclicsym_s4r_nn_mdl_change.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with the
- cyclicsym_s4r_360_mdl_change.inp
Full model with the
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_ss.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a nonlinear preloading static step, frequency
extraction, and modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis (one nodal diameter)
using the
DSLOAD options.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_360_ss.inp
Full model with a nonlinear preloading static step, frequency extraction,
and modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis (one nodal diameter) using the
DSLOAD options.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_ss2.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with frequency extraction and modal-based
steady-state dynamic analysis (two nodal diameters) using the
DSLOAD options.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_360_ss2.inp
Full model with frequency extraction and modal-based steady-state dynamic
analysis (two nodal diameters) using the
DSLOAD options.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_cl_ss.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a nonlinear preloading static step, frequency
extraction, and two modal-based steady-state dynamic analyses (one and two
nodal diameters) using the
DLOAD, and
TRANSFORM options.
- cyclicsym_cpe4r_360_cl_ss.inp
Full model with a nonlinear preloading static step, frequency extraction,
and two modal-based steady-state dynamic analyses (one and two nodal diameters)
using the
DLOAD, and
TRANSFORM options.
- cyclicsym_dc2d4_mis_heat.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a transient heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dc2d4_mis_heat_360.inp
Full model with a transient heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dc2d8_nn_heat.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a steady-state heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dc2d8_heat_360.inp
Full model with a steady-state heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_nn_heat.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with a steady-state heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_360.inp
Full model with a steady-state heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dcc2d4_nn_loads.inp
Cyclic symmetric model with all thermal loads (FILM,
- cyclicsym_dcc2d4_360_loads.inp
Full model with all thermal loads (FILM,
- cyclicsym_dc2d4_heat_nonlin.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a nonlinear heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dc2d4_heat_nonlin_360.inp
Full model corresponding to nonlinear heat transfer analysis.
- cyclicsym_dc2d4_mis_heat_ee.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis. Mismatched mesh with element-type secondary
surface and element-type main surface.
- cyclicsym_dc2d4_mis_heat_ne.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis. Mismatched mesh with node-type secondary
surface and element-type main surface.
- cyclicsym_dc2d4_mis_360.inp
Full model corresponding to mismatched mesh of DC2D4 elements.
- cyclicsym_dc2d8_heat2D.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis using DC2D8 elements.
- cyclicsym_dc2d8_heat2D_360.inp
Full model corresponding to the heat transfer analysis using DC2D8 elements.
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_CFLUX.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis (CFLUX).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_CFLUX_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis (CFLUX).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_DFLUX.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis (DFLUX).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_DFLUX_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis (DFLUX).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_DSFLUX.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis (DSFLUX).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_DSFLUX_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis (DSFLUX).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_FILM.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis (FILM).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_FILM_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis (FILM).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_RAD.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis (RADIATE).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_RAD_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis (RADIATE).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_SFILM.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis (SFILM).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_SFILM_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis (SFILM).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_SRAD.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis (SRADIATE).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_SRAD_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis (SRADIATE).
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_XYZ.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis. The symmetry axis is a
linear combination of the X, Y, and
Z axes.
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_XYZ_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis. The symmetry axis is a linear
combination of the X, Y, and
Z axes.
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_axisY.inp
Cyclic symmetry model with a heat transfer analysis. The symmetry axis is
parallel to the Y-axis.
- cyclicsym_dc3d8_heat_axisY_360.inp
Full model with a heat transfer analysis. The symmetry axis is parallel to
the Y-axis.