Elements tested
ProductsAbaqus/Standard Elements testedDCOUP2D DCOUP3D Problem descriptionThe initial starting geometry for each test is shown in Figure 1. In the linear tests each coupling node is connected by a spring to ground (SPRING1) in each direction. In the geometrically nonlinear tests each coupling node is connected by a dashpot to ground (DASHPOT1) in each direction, and an axial spring element (SPRINGA) connects each pair of coupling nodes. ![]() Distributing coupling elements connect a single reference node that has
translational and rotational degrees of freedom to a collection of coupling
nodes that have only translational degrees of freedom. Thus, when the coupling
nodes are colinear, a situation can arise where the moments applied to the
reference node are not transmitted by the element. This condition is relevant
only for the three-dimensional version of the element. The third problem in
this section tests the behavior of the element in this pathological situation.
Linear behavior
Nonlinear behavior
Behavior with a colinear arrangement
Reference solutionIn all tests the load distribution among coupling nodes adheres to the relation where is the force distribution at the coupling nodes, and are the force and moment at the reference node, are the normalized version of the weight factors specified with distributing coupling constraints, is the coupling node arrangement inertia tensor, and and are the positions of the reference and coupling nodes relative to the coupling node arrangement centroid, respectively. See Distributing coupling constraints for a more detailed description of this load distribution. Results and discussionThe results for each problem are discussed below. Linear behavior
Nonlinear behaviorAll results correspond to the increment when the rotation is 34.
Behavior with a colinear arrangement
Input files