Magnetostatic analysis

This problem contains basic test cases for one or more Abaqus elements and features.

This page discusses:


Elements tested

  • EMC2D3
  • EMC2D4
  • EMC3D4
  • EMC3D8

Features tested

Magnetostatic response of electromagnetic domains subjected to surface current density K.

Problem description

The problems involve rectangular or cylindrical domains that are subjected to an impressed surface current density at the boundary such that the resulting magnetic field is uniform. In one of the models the magnetic properties are nonuniform (different magnetic behavior in different regions of the model); as a result, the magnetic flux density is correspondingly nonuniform. Both linear and nonlinear material properties are used for the nonuniform case.

Material properties

Magnetic permeability of μ=1.25663706144×10-6 H/m or N/A2 for free space is used in the regions with linear magnetic behavior. For regions with nonlinear magnetic behavior, the response is defined in terms of a B–H curve describing the strength of the magnetic flux density as a function of the strength of the magnetic field. Table 1 provides the B–H curve used in these tests.

Table 1. Nonlinear B–H response.
1000 7.9577 × 105
1500 1.5915 × 106
1700 2.3873 × 106

Results and discussion

The magnetic field is uniform in the domain. The magnetic flux density is appropriately nonuniform for the problem with nonuniform magnetic material behavior.